Ruined me | E.D.

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You recently got involved in a scandal relating to something that wasn't even true.

Luckily someone spoke out and said what had to be said clearing your name from the media.

Ethan was you're boyfriend at the time but had left you while everyone was against you.

It angered you and disgusted you finding out someone who said they loved you left.

He attempted to call you and text you days after the truth came out but you simply ignore all of that.

After a few days went by, you decided to leave the apartment for a while and go get some avocado toast for breakfast.

You walked down the street into the small little place and ordered your breakfast.

While waiting in a table nearby, Ethan and Grayson entered next to Bryant.

You were to distract on the phone to even realize their presence so it took a couple of minutes to actually see one another.

Ethan turned to the tables while looking for one and spotted you.

"Y/n" he called out while walking towards you with nervous eyes.

You looked up from your phone and almost froze.

What were you to do now?

You couldn't run or pretend you couldn't see him. He was too close now.

"Order for y/n" they called breaking the tension between the two of you.

You stood up as quickly as possible and grabbed a brown paper bag before speeding out the door.

"I have to go" Ethan mumbled before following you outside.

"I need to talk to you Y/n" Ethan ran up to you slightly tapping your shoulder.

"Well I don't " you coldly answered before making your way back up to your room.

Ethan followed behind and walked all the way to your room until your eyes gave up on you.

"You ruined me" you sobbed before you reached your door.

"You left me to fend for myself in the media. I had no fucking idea that dating you would lead me to this sort of trouble." you rambled on feeling the rage coursing through your veins.

"I was so happy without you in my life." you took a breather and smiled back at the simpler times.

    "I did what I had to do" he responds with a hint of bitterness.

"For who?" you laughed." yourself?"

"You're coincided, selfish, and disgusting" you insulted him.
  "I did this for you y/n" he tried taking a step forward.

"Funny you should say that how is what's her name?" you took a step back and allowed a few tears to slip.

   "It was for the show you know that" Ethan points his finger at you and raises his voice slightly showing his frustration.

"No, it wasn't. I was simply the side bitch, wasn't I? I was the one who had to take the fall when it came to this relationship." you took a step forward to look him straight in the eyes.

"That's not true." Ethan lied.

"You wanted to ruin my reputation but guess what my name is cleared and surprisingly yours is too but how am I not surprised." you laughed and stepped closer to your apartment.

"If you really want to ruin someone, go look for them because this bitch who you're looking at right now is all put together."



Idk about this one but school is almost over so more updates will come along with that

Recently I have been working in my 10+ page essay and old your girl has a lot of editing to do so that's why I haven't updated sorry


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