Marry me? V E.D.

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"I FUXKING LOVE YOU Y/N!" Ethan screams as loud as he can hoping to talk some sense into you.

"Well stop then" you begin to cry.

"No, y/n I don't want to stop loving you. I will never stop" Ethan takes a step forward.

"Why do you want to marry a drunk bitch?" you sincerely ask feeling yourself getting a bit sober by just talking with Ethan.

"Sober up" he smiles. "You don't have to numb yourself any more y/n"

Your eyes look up at Ethans and a sense of comfort sets in.

"Are you sure about this?" you ask.

"I want to marry you y/n. Today. Tomorrow. Pick a day and I'll be there" he steps closer to you and cups your cheek in his hand.

His touch felt so foreign to you but the feeling it gave you wasn't.

"I want to get married then" you spoke up. "Someday" you smiled.

"Oh thank the lord I'm too young" Ethan teases.

"Shut up" you hit his shoulder in a playful manner.

"We should probably clean this out" Ethan points to the mess inside the room.

"Maybe that will help me sober up" you chuckled.



I enjoyed writing this mini-series do you guys want more of these?

Also if you have an idea for a mini-series leave a suggestion down in the comments.

Love y'all <33

Dolan Twin Imagines I ♡Where stories live. Discover now