Fight III G.D.

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After encountering Y/n at the mall, Grayson decided to drive around trying to distract himself from his reality.

After a while, he grew tired and decided to go home.

Grayson opened the door to his apartment and found a box that was sealed shut.

He sets down his keys and walks over to it.

"Ethan what's this," he asks.

"They dropped it off on our doorstep earlier. I'm guessing it for you" he says as he walks into the frame.

Grayson looks up at Ethan then looks back down to the box.

He takes the tape off and begins to open the box.

As he opens it his eyes go wide.

He then starts to take a couple of things out of it one by one.

His eyes become glossy as he looks through all the pictures and items that you had put in there.

There were pictures and cute little gifts Grayson had gotten you.

He even found his hoodie that you kept.

Ethan walked over to Grayson and hugged him as he saw how messed up he was.

Grayson then began to cry a bit feeling guilty and sad about how he treated you and how he messed up.

After crying for hours he finally got his act together and decided not to give up.

The next day around the same time your shift started he went back to the mall but this time not empty-handed.

He took the box with him.

He walked over to where you worked and stopped right in front of you.

"Grayson I told you there's nothing left to fix" you state.

"Just listen," he asks.

You doubtfully look at him but shake your head no and continue to work.

Grayson knew you would avoid him so he came up with a plan.

He found a chair and stood up tall on it as he called people's attention.

"Hello, can I have your attention please," he says loud enough for people to hear.

Everyone turns to look at him making you look up.

"I know y/n you don't want to listen to what I got to say but give me a chance," he says looking straight at you.

Once again you shake your head no in a disappointed manner and look away.

Grayson still determined begins to take items out of the box.

"This picture was taken the first time I told you I loved you" he loudly says making everyone aww.

You're eyes meet him as you finally begin to listen to what he has to say.

"I knew I loved you because you made me go crazy." everyone chuckles.

"You made my heart beat so fast it felt like it was going to beat out of my chest"

You slightly smile and he takes notice of that.

"This is the hoodie you took from me that time at the carnival," he says holding out a black hoodie of his.

"You said you were so cold you could freeze so I took it off and gave it to you"

"Yeah I got a cold a couple days after but it was worth it"

His eyes looked at yours as now they had a softer glow to them.

They were sweet and comforting.

"I could take out every item of this box and explain everything about them. "

"I would explain how you made me feel"

"I would explain to you why they were important to us"

"I'm sorry for the stupid things I said."

"But what I don't regret is sharing this memory of ours right now with everyone here listening," he says looking at you.

Everyone turns their head over to your direction making a tear fall out of joy.

"I love you, y/n," he says as he steps down the chair and begins to walk over to you.

Everyone around makes a path for him as walks over to you

"I need you to listen to me and hear those words."

"I love you and I don't think I will ever stop," he says holding both of your hands in his.

"I hate you," you say as your voice cracks.

His facial expression drops as he hears those words come out of your mouth.

Everyone stands there in shock as Grayson got rejected.

Grayson begins to let go but you hold on to his wrist before he goes.

"But..." you say as you wipe a couple of tears off your face.

"But?" Grayson says as he turns back to look at you.

"But hating you is so hard" you sob.

A smile forms on his face as he places his hands on your face and brings you closer to his lips.

Your lips crash with one another creating sparks in the air.

Both of your lips move in sync, as both of you craved this feeling for a while.

Both of you break apart and simply stare at each other's eyes.

"I love you," you say.

"I'm sorry," he says.

You lightly chuckle and smile at him.

"I forgive you," you say as you hear cheers erupt from the back of you two.

Both of you smile widely as Grayson hugs you from the waist and spins you around.

"I love you," he says.

"Well I hate/love you" you chuckle.

"I guess that's okay" he laughs.


Guess what!!!!

A Grayson Fanfic is in the works and its actually an imagine already guess which one hehe

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