Second Chances E.D.

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Ethan's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since me and y/n broke up.

The thing is I still loved her but I decided to date someone else.

I chose to move on when my heart couldn't.

"I really like you, Ethan. You are very handsome and sweet." The girl I started dating says.

"You are too," I say with a sympathetic smile.

We both made small talk over coffee only to pause when  the doorbell rang indicating someone walked in.

I look over and see her.

More beautiful than ever.

She ordered her drink and stood next to the pickup place staring at her phone. She didn't see me but my eyes admired her with awe and my heart began to flutter once again.

My heart felt happy to see her but the reality was she wasn't mine anymore and I wasn't hers anymore.

"That's her right," the girl says.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask.

"That's the girl you broke up with the right?"

"Umm... No its-"

"I know it is."

"How did you know?" I ask.

"The way you look at her with loving eyes and the way you smiled and began to glow just by seeing her. You love her don't you? " She spoke confidently. 

"I do." I sighed in defeat. 

"So what are you waiting on?"

"I can't leave you here just like that." I state.

"Yes you can," she says. "Go fight for her. If that's who you truly love then go. "

"I will thank you," I say getting up and leaving a 20 to pay for the drinks.

I quickly sprint out the door to catch her.

Y/n P.O.V

You get out of the coffee shop and make your way down the street.

You keep on walking until you hear your name being called out.

You turn quickly and see Ethan sprinting towards you.

"What are you doing?" you asked confused about his actions.

"Something I should have done a long time ago," he says pulling you into a kiss

As you kiss him you feel butterflies in your stomach and feel your heart racing.

Your lips moving in sync. It was a tender kiss with love and lust.

"What about everything between us," you ask.

"Nothing else matters. I just want to be with you and only you okay," he says cupping your cheek and caressing it with his thumb.

"I love you. I never stopped actually." you say.

"I love you more than you know it," he says resting his forehead on yours.

"Let's go home," you say holding his hand.

"Let's go home," he says.

You two make your way back home and spend hours talking.

Oh how much you missed this.



Short and sweet

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