Why not? III E.D.

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The next day, your anger towards Grayson had almost completely banished. You had realized you had overreacted a bit too much and that you had to be a bigger person.

The school day was fine until Dev, the girl who had also heard you, approached Ethan and his secret girlfriend, who also happens to be your friend.

"Hey Ethan," Dev said cheerfully receiving a confused facial expression from him.

"What's up?" he furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at his girlfriend.

"I'll be right back" his girlfriend excused herself from the situation and quickly walked away.

"I know its none of my business to share any of this information but it sure looks like y/n likes you" she gleefully smiles at him.

Ethan slightly chuckles at her. Sorta thinking its a lie.

"Dev she is a friend of mine I don't think she does" he shrugs it off before hearing Devs annoying voice again.

"You should probably ask her. Maybe then you'll see" she lastly says and waves off leaving Ethan alone in the hallway.

Ethan furrows his eyebrows in confusion and decides to ignore her comment for the rest of the day.

Lunchtime comes around during the middle of the school day allowing the group of friends to reunite in a small patio table.

Ethan often caught himself staring at you and began to wonder if what Dev was saying was true.

He partially knew she was lying but a six sense told him otherwise.

"We are getting some lunch now that the line is shorter"  most of the group stood up while you and Ethan remained seated.

"Get me an apple or something" you smiled up at your friend.

"Gray if there are any water bottles get me one for the gym," Ethan asked.

Grayson nodded along and finally left with the rest of the group.

You sat there feeling a bit uncomfortable knowing Grayson knew about your small crush on his brother and reminded yourself it was only in your head.

Ethan, on the other hand, kept asking himself whether or not to ask if you actually liked him. He avoided asking every time.

Since you two had really nothing to say, you began editing a paper you had for English Class while Ethan admired you from afar.

He knew you were a very beautiful girl but he only saw you as a friend especially now that he had a girlfriend.

"Is there something on my face?" you chuckled looking up from your paper.

Ethan tensed up and blinked a couple of times before answering.

"Dev told me you like me" he coolly said.

The smile faded off your lips and all you could do was avoid his eyes.

"That's ridiculous. Your my friend" you said doubting that last part.

Ethan saw how your body language had changed and started questioning it. He also realized your eyes avoided his in an instant.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that" he leaned his body a bit on the table.

"I can't okay" you sighed in defeat. It was now or never.

Ethan stayed silent shocked on what you had just admitted and took a couple of seconds to reciprocate.

"Y/n I'm sorry but-" he began today before you got up.

"It's fine. It doesn't matter okay" you began collecting your stuff right away and tried to walk off before Ethan followed.

"Look I like you a lot and everything but-"

"Why not give it a chance then?" you asked catching him off guard.

"I can't i-"

"I know we don't know each other and stuff but we could I mean- we could probably talk more often if you really want to or-"

"I'm dating someone" Ethan blurted out immediately.

Your facial expression dropped right when he said that caused him to regret such hurtful words.

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine" you coldly spoke before walking off.

Ethan stayed back and finally saw everyone coming back from the lunch line.

"I got the apple for y/n" your friend smiled at Ethan.

Ethan stayed quiet and sat back down while the other did too.

"Where is she anyway and her stuff too?" she asked slightly confused about what was going on.

"I don't know" Ethan mumbled.

I don't know.



Finally finished it off. I don't really know if it was good, eh.

Maybe a double update tonight who knows

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