why i had to walk away | E.D.

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It was morning at last. Ethan was wrapped comfortably in his grey comforter quite unready for the day.

Today wasn't a day like any other. It was not a happy day.

The long dark bags under his eyes showed how unpleasant his sleep was while his stuffed nose reminded him of the uncontrollable tears he had shed the night before. 

He wasn't ready to face his new reality


"What's wrong?" Ethan asked you while you messed with the rings on your fingers.

You looked up with a small smile covering your face and furrowed brows.

"What are you talking about?" You lightly chuckled surprised by his question.

"Well you're too quiet today usually your talking up a storm and now you barely talk, " he points out.

It was true. You had become a bit distant recently. You hadn't talked to Ethan until today and suddenly his presence made you feel slightly uncomfortable.

You and Ethan were always more than friends from the start. You flirted with one another and acted as if you were dating when that was clearly not true.

Yet you two let things go on without setting any boundaries. You had once admitted that you liked each other and ever since then he had made no effort to text you or reach out.

If you didn't reach out, he wouldn't try to reach out himself.

Slowly that becomes exhausting. The only person putting effort was you.

Later on, many other problems emerged from thin air and it was clear the bond between you two was breaking.

And he was noticing.

"Well sometimes it's nice to switch up the dynamic, " you teased hoping to lighten up the air between the two of you.

"I don't like it. It's a bit weird, " Ethan admits.

"Well get used to it, " you lightly pushed him in a joking manner.

Ethan forced a smile but knew something was up so he pushed on and on until you finally broke.

"Ethan we are just friends so this is how I act with all of my friends, " you finally admitted once he asked about a million questions about what was going on with you today.

"You never acted this was though. Did I do something wrong?" He asked beginning to question his own actions.

"See that's the thing, you didn't do anything wrong I'm just tired of being the one that put in the effort into something that wasn't real. Ethan, you said it yourself multiple times in the past we aren't dating and you aren't ready for a relationship."

"You said you weren't ready for one either though, " Ethan stands up and frustratingly pulls on his hair. "You went along with it too i-"

"I know and that was my fault. I went along with it hoping things would change I thought I wasn't ready for a relationship and maybe I'm not ready or maybe I am but that's not the point. " you pause and take a breath.

"Point is. I can't do it anymore. I'm your friend and all but that's it. I put myself through hell trying to figure out what we were and what I could and couldn't say or how I should act around you. I can't do it. I can't spring up millions of conversations hoping one day you will put enough effort to do the same. I can't. You bring out the best and worst parts of me Ethan."

"I was stupid. I had hope in us and what we could be so I didn't listen to anyone else. I was too hard-headed to see anything but deep down I always knew we wouldn't work and I guess I should have listened" you rambled on until you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders.

"I don't know what to say, " Ethan responded after a few seconds of silence.

"You don't have to say anything just needed to let you know I guess, " you shrugged while looking over to see him quite overwhelmed by what you had said.

"I think I should go and let you process all that. I didn't mean to-"

"I know, " Ethan mumbled under his breath. "I know, "



So this imagine is basically about my life with a bit of a twist but this really helped me vent out some of my feelings and I hope you enjoy it.


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