Long Distance VIII G.D.

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After hearing what you had said to Bani, Ethan convinced Bani to tell him where you were.

It was hard but Bani wanted to see if Grayson truly deserved a second chance.

Ethan came up with a plan a soon as he heard about your location.

He convinced his manager to tell Grayson that a meeting had been programmed in New York and that he was the only one attending due to Bani being here.

Grayson bought it in no time and set off to the New York layer that evening.

You had no idea what was to come so you tried sleeping.

Easier said than done.

You twisted and turned so many times you were wide awake.

You decided to look through your phone and found a couple of messages from Grayson in your voicemail.

You played all of them one by one listening to them more than once sometimes hoping you would stop the tears from your eyes.

Hours later Grayson landed and was sent to your small hotel where he was sent to your room purposely.

He tried opening the door with his key, which was fake, and finally knocked for some odd reason.

You immediately opened it and almost fainted at the sight of him.

He froze too.

Tears formed under his eyes and they slowly streamed down his face when he finally heard a word come out your mouth.

"Why?" your voice cracked.

Grayson didn't have an answer to your question since he, himself, didn't know why either.

"I don't know" he whispered.

Your tearful eyes stared deeply into his and no words could be said between the two of you.

You two stayed still and waited.

Waited until this moment between you two ended.

Until you slammed the door shut. Until you asked him to leave.

Yet neither of these happened.


"They never work" he mumbled.

"Some cheat on others and get passed it," you said causing him to furrow his eyes.

"Y/n I'm -"

"Shut up"

He did and allowed you a couple more seconds to think.

You broke down.

You cried in front of him in pain and in anger.

He couldn't do anything to help you but that was a lie.

Grayson took a step forward and held you in his arms.

You resisted over and over again until he kissed your lips.

"I want to do this right"

You listened.

"Come on a tour with me and E" he suggested. "No more Angie."

You allowed yourself to think about it for a brief moment before saying. "No more long-distance"

"No more long-distance"


I thought the ending was sad so here is another part hehehe

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