🎄Cold III G.D.🎄

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Graysons P.O.V

"Y/n was acting kinda strange don't you think?" Ethan asks me once we get back home.

"How so?"

"Well I mean for the one you two were pretty close outside the comic book store and two, she hugged you goodbye. She never does that. Not even to me and I'm friends with her" he teases.

"I'm her friend too" I defend.

"I know you are, but it's different. Have you seen the way she acts around you? It's obvious she likes you." he comments.

Does she like me?

I don't think she does. Well, I don't know that for sure, but i- well I really- does she though?

"Gray?" Ethan calls out catching my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask as I try thinking about something else other than y/n feeling/nonfeelings for me.

"Do you like her?" he asks catching me off guard as I choke on my saliva.

"I-don't-ughhh" I groan in response.

"I'll take that as a yes" Ethan grins to himself.

"I mean I don't know for sure. I mean she is super cool and sweet and kind and beautiful don't get me wrong, but I don't know her that well" I rambled on.

"You don't know her? Really" Ethan chuckles.

It's true. I don't know her as well as I hoped. I wish I did and maybe it would be easier for me to approach her or even maybe know if I liked her.

"You know what, I'm tired," I mumbled before leaving to my room.

Once I did, I layed down and tried to think of other things. Anything at this point but nothing worked as the thought of y/n kept my mind busy.

Does she like me? Naw, maybe she was just being friendly. Right?

Ugh this so frustrating.

It doesn't have to be, but yet again here I am stressing about something I'm not sure about.

I wish everything was much simpler than all of this.

It can be tough.

I just need to find away

A way to get close to her.



HI hope you enjoyed this and once again thank you to everyone that reads this. I meant a lot to me

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