Why not? II E.D.

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Grayson kept his mouth shut most of the day until he finally had the guts to say something.

He raced to find you and couldn't help but wonder why you have kept this from Ethan for so long.

"Y/n" he called from afar as you stood by the lockers.

"Grayson hey?" you said making it sound more like a question than a greeting.

"Why didn't you say anything to him before?" he questions you right away.


"You like Ethan don't you?" he asks.

Your face turns a bright shade of pink but you try hiding it as you begin to speak.

"I-i-i don't know what-"you stumble on your words but Grayson gets straight to the point.

"So I did hear you say it then," he says too proud of himself.

"You heard me?" you exclaimed feeling more embarrassed than ever.

Who else had to hear you?

"It was an accident i-" he begins to explain himself.

"No Grayson.you could have stood up and left after you heard me say his name." you angrily rant. "You could of -" you pulled on your hair trying to take out your frustration before blowing up and having a mental breakdown here in the hallway.

"Y/n I'm sorry" he looks up at you. "I truly am"

"I don't want to talk about It" you rushed off before he could catch up to you.

You have never felt this embarrassed before and it sucked feeling this way.

While you ran off, a girl named Dev had also heard your conversation before and had planned to tell Ethan the next day.

What nobody knows though was that Ethan secretly dated one of your best friends at the time, which meant all of you weren't ready for the trouble that awaited.



Decided to make this story longer and THANK YOU SO MUCH ON 19K


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