Why not? IV E.D.

812 21 5

Time skip...

Time had past and things between you and Ethan had turned out okay.

At first, you couldn't even see him or talk to him in any sort of way.

You distanced yourself from him and it helped you grow as a person.

He was hurt by your actions but understood where you were coming from.

Ethan freely dated his girlfriend for a while until you came back into his life.

Your feelings for Ethan began to change and you had finally felt comfortable with just being friends.

Ethan didn't know this though.

Once he began talking to you again simply as friends, he realized he had missed you more than he would of admit.

He was head over heels for you and he had decided to break up with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend had felt a shift between Ethan's behavior once you began talking to him so she only found it fit to break things off.

News spread quickly and as soon as you found out what had happened you were stunned.

"I thought they were doing okay" you state slightly confused about why they had broken up.

"I thought so too but recently he had been off with you around" your best friend admits.

"Me? I mean yeah I didn't talk to him for a while but I never had imagined I had such an impact on his life"

"It looks like he like you" your friend teases.

"Haha" you sarcastically laugh. "We are friends and I don't think I like him that way."

"What if-" your friend begins to speak right when Ethan comes over to you two.

"What?" you ask but then the sound of his voice made you realize what shut your friend up.

"Hey" Ethan greeted both of you.

You two greeted back with a hey and waited to hear what he had to say.

"Can I talk to you y/n?" he asked shyly.

"Sure" you furrowed your eyebrows.

"That's my cue to leave" your friend chuckles before winking at you.

You roll your eyes at your friend and wait for her to finally walk off.

"So..." you said after a few moments of silence.

"I like you," he said without any warning.

"Oh" you stood there without anything to say which caused him to react quickly.

"I know I'm a bit late and everything but why not gives us a shot?" he shrugs.

You look at him and study his facial expression before answering.

Ethan was beyond nervous as he stood right in front of you waiting for an answer.

"It's worth a shot"


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