Mistakes III G.D.

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Grayson's P.O.V

She slams the door in my face as I hear her sob loudly behind the door.

"Hey open the door please" I lowly whisper.


"I'm so sorry please let me in" I desperately say leaning my forehead on the door.


I let tears stream down my face as I feel the guilt finally set in.

I turn away and decide to sit next to the door just in case she decides to open up anytime soon.

I rest my back on the wall as I cry hearing her sob in pain.

The pain I caused her.


It's been a couple of hours and her loud sobs subsided.

What was left was silence.

She didn't talk.

She didn't cry.

She was still.

And it's starting to freak me out.

What's going on?


It's late now.

All-day she stayed there and me next to the door.

I tried talking to her again but I doubt she cared to listen to me.

My eyes slowly closed every now and then due to how tired I was.

The dark hallway makes it even harder to stay awake.

Slowly my eyes closed shut as I rested my head on the wall.


My eyes tiredly open up as I see light coming out from the small gap between the door of our room.

I jolt up from the floor and rub my tired eyes with my hand as I push the door open.

I see her stop in her tracks and give me a cold glance as she continues to pack.

Her eyes were dark and bloodshot from all the crying she was doing.

All my fault

Y/n P.O.V

You cried until your eyes went dry.

Then you were just empty.

You felt the pain running through every inch of your body.

You felt disgusted and pathetic.

Yet you couldn't get up so you sat there looking at the plain white tiles on the bathroom shower.


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