jessie's girl | G.D.

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School dances.

Some despise them and some love them. Yet, no one is ever satisfied with them.

Thks weeks of school dance was Coachella themed.

Sounds interesting, to say the least.

"Do you want to go to the school dance with me?" he asked.

"I would love to," you answered with a smile on your face.

Grayson from a distance watched as Jessie asked you to the dance feeling a bit sadden how quickly things had changed.

It had been only a couple months he thought to himself. Was he that easily forgotten?

In fact, he wasn't but you couldn't wallow for him that long. Jessie was the one that caused you to move on.

He seemed like a great guy and he cared deeply for you. Once you realized that, part of you began to develop feelings for him.

Strange how things turn out.

"Are you going to dance?" Sophia asked causing every one attention to turn towards him.

"Umm. Yeah, I guess if you are all going." Grayson nervously scratched his neck.

"Okay everyone going then, "Sophia smiled in contempt and everyone else started to talk amongst themselves again.

Grayson didn't talk much but exchanged comforting glasses with you as you talked to Jessie.

The connection between you two was strong but not strong enough to bring you two together just yet.

Days went by and the day of the dance came upon the small group of friends.

Before the dance started, all of you dressed in 'Coachella' attire decided to take pictures to remember this high school memory in future years.

You took various pictures as part of a group, some only with your friends, one with just you and Jessie and one with Jessie, Grayson, and Jacob.

The last picture consisting of all the guys in the picture was a bit awkward as Jessie stood on one side of you and Grayson stood on the other side.

Jessie stared at Grayson as a sting of jealousy hit him.

Soon after the picture was taken Jessie smiled and wrapped his hand around your shoulders bringing you closer to him.

You didn't realize what he was doing so you simply wrapped your arm around his waist which brought you closer to him.

Minutes later you all headed to the decorated patio for the dance.

Strips of lights illuminated and adorned the patio and the sound of the DJs music was the only thing heard from a distance.

All of you guys decided to eat a bit before chatting for a couple of minutes.

Soon after that Jessie asked you to dance.

Dancing was never something you liked to do but a couple of months back you remembered that Grayson mentioned he liked to dance so you decided to learn.

It was a bit extra of you to learn how to dance for his sake but luckily something good came out of that experience.

"You look beautiful you know that?" Jessie grinned in delight while dancing a slow song.

"Thank you," you blushed. "You look- umm. Beautiful too"you chuckled.

Jessie laughed a bit and spines you around pulling you closer to his chest and resting his for head-on yours.

Dancing with Jessie was memorable and the constant flutter in your stomach constantly made you feel ecstatic.

The song sadly was over and Jessie decided it would be best to take a break.

Another song later came on similar to that one but this time someone else offered to dance.

"Do you mind me taking y/n to dance?" Grayson asked Jessie.

"It's up to her," Jessie affirmed.

Grayson looked over at you a d you simply nodded yes.

Grayson smiled and offered his had before you graciously accepted it walking over to the small space cleared out for the dance floor.

"I didn't know you knew how to dance," Grayson said in amazement.

"I learned a couple of months back," you mentioned.

The two of you danced for a while in silence until Grayson finally found the courage to mention your relationship with Jessie.

"So you and Jessie are a thing now?" Grayson slightly looked away.

"Yeah, I guess so," You mumbled.

"Nice guy." Grayson cleared his throat.

"Yeah," you awkwardly responded.

You two dance a while longer in silence before the song ended.

"I love you."



So I need help with the ending

Any suggestions.

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