🎄 Office Party II E.D. 🎄

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Night of the party

Rushing out the door you headed home in a flash.

You need to get ready as quickly as possible since Ethan promised to pick you up in a couple of hours.

Once you got home, you got your outfit and other necessities ready before heading into the shower.

While you showered, you took the time to shave your legs and made sure to not leave any spot unshaved.

After you showered, you began putting on your black long-sleeved blouse with a burgundy skirt that only reached the top of your knees.

Once satisfied with your outfit, you began putting on a bit of makeup and began curling the tips of your hair once it dried.

You were beyond nervous and couldn't stop smiling even if I tried.

You grabbed your handbag and a couple more accessories to finish off the look before he got here.

Soon enough Ethan walked up to your apartment door and knocked.

Knowing he had finally arrived, you began rushing over to the door and almost falling as you made it over there.

"Hey" you spoke softly once you opened the door.

Ethan was astonished by your appearance and couldn't think of anything else but you at the moment.

"You look- wow" he spoke.

You lightly chuckled at his comment and stepped outside your apartment closing the door behind you.

"We should get going" you smiled.

"Uhh...yeah we should," he said clearly still slightly distracted by you.

Both you made your way to his car and drove back to the office where the party would be held.

Later enough after spending some time in a quiet car, you two arrive at the party.

Ethan parked the car close to the entrance and immediately got out of the car to open your door.

After thanking him for his kind gesture, both of you headed straight into the office.

The party was being held downstairs in a large conference office where everyone and everything was found/ set up in.

As soon as you walked in you noticed the various food tables and clusters of people all around the room. Laughing, chatting, and eating amongst one another.

Ethan immediately found Nadia with her date nearby causing his attention to shift from you to her.

He was eager to go find out who her date was but didn't want to make it too obvious.

Luckily you spotted one of your best friends nearby and excused yourself.

"I just spotted my friend.I'll see you by the snack area"

"That's great. I'll mee you there" Ethan mumbled quickly as he walked towards Nadia and a couple more colleagues.

Ethan spent most of his time there and tried distracting Nadia from her date causing a bit of tension between them.

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