one night || G.D.

960 30 4

The next morning you woke up to find Grayson by your side peacefully sleeping.

A small smile formed on your lips and the one thing that made you smile even more was that held onto you as his whole life depended on it.

"Grayson," you softly whispered trying to wake him up.

He hummed a response and kept his eyes close before you spoke again.

"I'm getting kind of hungry," you laughed causing a smile to form on his face.

"I'm up," he mumbled.

His eyes opened up and soon he was up and ready to go.

Grayson started to put in his shoes while you rushed up and out of your bed to retrieve some shows for yourself.

"Sorry that I made you stay and that you had to see me throw up so much," you lightly chuckled as you tried to hide your embarrassed face from him.

"I wanted to stay. Plus your friend needs a break from you." he teased.

"She really did"

As soon as both of your shoes were on, you both headed out the door and made your way to Grayson's car that was parked right beside your own car.

Grayson opened the passenger's door for you and proceeded to head onto his side of the car after you thanked him.

The car ride to the coffee shop was filled with small talk solely focused on family, hobbies, and such.

Once the two arrived at the place, they went ahead and order their own food and even argued about who was going to pay.

In the end, both of you ended up splitting the cost as you weren't going to let him pay for both of your meals and he wasn't going to let you pay for everything either.

"You're a stubborn one," Grayson remarked once you two found a spot to sit at.

"You are equally as stubborn as me Grayson," you fluttered your eyelashes.

Grayson grinned and shook his head.

"And I'm glad to see you are doing better."

"After emptying my stomach out and showering right after it, I think I managed to figure some stuff out," you admitted.

"Did you now?" Grayson questioned.

"Yes I did, "you confidently admitted. "Marco cheating on me made me realize how unhappy in the relationship I was. Before he even cheated or before I ever found out."

"He's a jerk for that." Grayson angrily stated.

"I'm glad I found you, Grayson, "you smiled and pushed a strand behind your ear.

"Well I'm glad I found you too," Grayson chuckled.

Right, when their lips were about to touch the door rang indicating someone had just walked in.

"Y/n?" Marco's voice echoed in your ear.

You backed away from Grayson before turning your head to the side to see Marco standing near the door.

"What are you doing here?" you asked coldly.

"I got your drunken message," he responded while taking a few steps forward.

"I know it wasn't the best way to tell you but I warned you about it before. The party's and you cheating on me last night put me through the roof and luckily I found someone better than you." you turned to look at Grayson.

"Yeah I might not know you too well but trust me I want to get to know every little detail about you. I want us to figure it out as we go." you smiled. "What do you say?"

Grayson looked at her and did not doubt what he was going to say next.

"I'm happy you just said that," he gushed before clashing his lips with hers.

It was in that instant that Marco realized he wasn't good enough for you.

Grayson and you had such chemistry and that kiss was filled with something out of this world.

You two had just not realized its full potential. At least not yet.


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Love you

Also thank you soooo much for 100k reads I don't deserve you all

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