Anniversary G.D.

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You and Grayson decide to take a trip to Bora Bora for your 4 year anniversary.

It has been 4 years. You thought.

4 years full of laughter, memories, fights, and so much love for one another.

It was just incredible spending every waking moment with the one you truly love.

Nothing could ever change that.

"Babe are you okay?" Grayson says right beside you.

"More than okay," you say with a soft smile on your lips.

Grayson reaches over to kiss your cheek and then pushes himself off the beach towel that layed on the sand.

"Where are you going" you chuckle.

Grayson dusts all the sand off his shorts and takes a shaky breath.

"Will you y/n go on a date with me?" he asks.

"I would love to" you smile brightly.

Grayson smiles back and stands there admiring you.

Every moment he spent with you was always the highlight of his day.

Everything about you made him fall in love with you over and over again and finally after 4 years, he decided to take a risk and ask you to marry him.

Grayson was beyond nervous as he couldn't put how he felt in words or sentences even.

It had to be special. He thought

"You should treat yourself," Grayson said to you.

You looked at him with your eyebrows furrowed trying to understand what he said.

"Go shopping for a dress or whatever you need. Tonight is special" he sweetly said.

A smile formed on your face hearing him say that.

You were completely clueless about everything since you thought it was just a 4-year celebratory dinner.

"Well in that case. I guess I'm going shopping" you lightly chuckle as you get up and peck his cheek.

"Let me take this back and-" you say as you pick up the beach towel from the floor.

"I'll get this. You go ahead and change," he says

"I love you," you say as you walk away.

"I love you more" he screams for behind.

You turn to look over at him quickly and smile.


After going to some little stores around the area, you came across a beautiful white flowy dress.

Grayson left all the stuff near the couch with a note stuck to it.

' I can't wait to see you later'

You smile at the small note and decide to go get ready.

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