Marry me? III E.D.

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After you and Ethan decided to take a break, your body seemed to reject such an idea.

You tried everything you could to distract yourself but that feeling of suffering remained and soon you felt empty.

The only way you got rid of it was by drinking.

You had become numb.

Your friends didn't comment on your situation and believed it was a phase that would pass in a matter of weeks.

Or days at least.

The only thing they didn't know was that you were never sober.

You would drink early in the morning and drink coffee to hide the scent of liquor from your mouth.

You would only go out for more or simple necessities which had become ramen, and toiletries.

Sometimes your friends would force you to go out in bars where you only took sips to stop you from acting out.

Even a couple sips managed to numb you out.

You no longer cared about the future nor marriage and the idea of being with him faded as well as the pain associated with him.

It was late afternoon when you had realized the day was finally over.

You would stay in a room in your apartment all day where everything seemed a mess with bottles of empty liquor sitting on the floor or shattered against the wall and its remainings on the floor.

You stood up and grabbed a piece of gum when you heard the door ring.

Ethan stood behind it with the words I will marry you rehearsed and his feelings amplified.

You walked towards the door and opened it to see Ethan.

Your eyes widen and somehow you felt nothing.

Alcohol talking.

"Y/n" he spoke softly.

"What are you doing here?" you asked.

"Can I come in?" he asked instead of answering your question.

You nodded your head and opened the door wide enough for him to step inside.

He walked inside and looked around to find the room spotless.

He thought of his words beforehand before speaking them out.

"Y/n I missed you and I just wanted you to know that I thought about it" he sighed hesitantly.

You simply stared at him and waited for him to speak.

"Marry me?" he slightly chuckled at his proposal.




That's the end oops

Dolan Twin Imagines I ♡Where stories live. Discover now