Sleepover D.T.

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Cindy's P.O.V.

"Grayson we should have just ordered pizza" I complained once I saw smoke coming out of the kitchen.

"I wanted to make it" he pouted and tried to put water on the burnt tomato sauce.

"I told you Cindy but Nooo you wanted Grayson to cook" Ethan annoyingly mentioned.

"I thought it was going to turn out well" I retorted back.

"Seriously, this is the second time we let him try to cook for us and he always burns half of the stuff" Ethan laughs at Grayson's terrible cooking skills.

"You guys know I'm standing right in front of you guys, right?" Grayson pitches in while he washed the dishes.

"We know," I pause."We just don't care" I teased before grabbing my phone and ordering some pizza online.

"I second that" Ethan hollered before he walked away.

"You two are dumbasses who don't appreciate my amazing cooking skills" Grayson huffs.

"You burned the sauce." I grinned at him and chuckled.

"God people I burn one tomato sauce and I'm labeled as a bad chef for life" he dramatically states.

I laugh at him and make my way into their living room where a couple of blankets were laid down on the couch.

I sat down near the end and scooted back resting my feet up.

"Pizza has been placed in the oven" I inform the rest as I get a notification on my phone.

"That means it's going to get here soon" Ethan walks in with a pair of extra pillows in hand.

"We could just watch a movie and eat some popcorn in the meantime then" Grayson suggests and waits by the door frame.

"I guess that's fine" I smiled.

"I think so too" Ethan looks up and agrees with me.

"I'll go make it and be right back then" Grayson quickly walks back to the kitchen.

"Should we choose a movie?" Ethan turns to look at me while turning the tv on.

"What should we watch?"

"I have no clue let me check what's on Netflix" he suggests. Once the tv turns on, he clicks on the Netflix icon and begins looking through the movie suggestions.

The smell of popcorn begins to fill up your nose and the sound of it popping is heard from a distance.

"We could watch this movie" Ethan clicked on an Anne Hathaway movie.

"I cried watching that one last time" I pouted.

"Yeah, I remember," Grayson says as he walks in with a small bowl of popcorn.

"Okay then let's just watch this" Ethan randomly clicks on a movie while Grayson sits next to me.


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