🎄Office Party E.D. 🎄

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During the holidays, your office always threw a Christmas party days before the actual holiday. Forcing everyone to attend.

Usually, you would attend this event alone, but this year things were quite different.

You had a feeling someone special was going to ask you out because you two had recently connected and had taken the time to go out on a proper date.

You knew Ethan was crushing on someone else, but part of you knew he would give you a chance after that date.

Ethan, on the other hand, had different plans in mind. He was waiting for the right time to ask Nadia, another employee at the office, to go with him to the Christmas party.

Ethan liked you, but he rather chases someone he couldn't have. The only thing he didn't realize was that he was letting an amazing girl go.

During your morning break, you walked over to the copy machine in the break room and collected the few copies you made after you had finished drinking a cup of coffee.

Ethan later walked in and headed over to the coffee maker pouring a bit into his mug. He turned his attention towards you and sent you one of his famous pearly white smiles as he took a sip of his coffee.

You blushed at his sudden action and hid your face as you continued to collect all the copies from the copy machine and scurried back to your office.

Not long after Nadia walked in swaying her hips back and forward as she headed towards the vending machine in the room. Nadia's presence quickly captured Ethan's attention as he confidently made his way over.

"Morning Nadia" he overconfidently says as he stands beside her.

"Nice to see you Ethan" she smiled back at him.

"So I was wondering about the Christmas party..." he drags on.

"You want to go with me?" She finishes the sentence sounding kind of doubtful about it.

"You took the words out of my mouth" he chuckled waiting for her response.

"I actually already have a date,  I'm sorry" she apologized.

"Oh," he looked down slightly embarrassed of the situation he was in "no worries" he mumbles before exiting the room.

The first person he thought of after his rejection was you as he headed towards your office.

You sat there looking through some files when you heard the door creak.

You looked up to see Ethan walking inside. His expression was rather neutral as he spoke in a monotone.

"Would you be my date for the party?"

"Of course" you internally cheered.

"We can discuss detail later yeah?" He asks.

"Sure" you smiled brightly as he nodded his head and headed out your office.

You felt extremely happy about how everything was turning out and couldn't wait to attend.

The only thing she didn't know was that she was a second choice.



The song is not a Christmas related one but the lyrics match the situation.

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