🎄 All I want for Christmas E.D. 🎄

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Once again the song All I Want for Christmas was blasted loudly through the speakers.

It was one of your favorite holiday songs and the video was quite entertaining to watch in your opinion.

"Babe, did you seriously put that song again?" Ethan whines as he helps you put up some ornaments on the tree.

"Yes I did so shut the fuck up and let me listen to it in peace," you say in a joking manner as you ask him to pass you another ornament.

Time passes by and both of you have finished decorating.

The tree was lit up with beautiful white lights and decorated with festive ornaments.

"You know what I was thinking?" you say.

"What?" Ethan asks.

"All I want for Christmas is youuuu" you tease Ethan as you both admired the tree.

"Y/n sing it one more time and-" he pauses and looks at you.

"What is it?" you lightly chuckle.

"You love the song and the video right?" he asks.

"Yes...?" you doubtfully say in response.

"I have an idea," he says before he walks away, leaving you standing there by yourself.

You furrow your eyebrows and try to make sense of what just happened.

You follow Ethan to your shared room and see him looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" You ask.

"This," he says pulling out a camera.

You begin laughing at him thinking it would be something more exciting or more important than a simple camera.

"I thought it was something else" you continue to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" he questions with a small smile.

"I thought it was important," you say.

"It is" he states.

"Okay..." you say before walking away.

"Y/n wait" he runs up to you and grabs your hand.

"What" you giggle.

"Stand by the tree and play All I want for Christmas" he demands.

"Ethan you hate me playing that song over and over again "

"But this time I want you to play it" he smiles.

You roll your eyes and walk over to the tree a start playing the song.

Without thinking about it too much your hips begin swaying at the beat of the song and you begin lip-synching.

A smile forms on your face but you quickly realize Ethan filming and you stop.

"Why are you filming me?" you question him.

He stops filming and moves the camera out of his face.

"I want to make a video for you" he chuckles.

"I want you to have a video to remember us by" he mumbles.

Your heart flutters rapidly as you walk over to him and kiss his lips gently.

He kisses you back immediately with the same passion then pulls away.

"Let's finish this shall we?" he says showing me the camera.

A smile forms on Your face as you both continue to film your small video.



Maybe but I will try to update more if I can.

Dolan Twin Imagines I ♡Where stories live. Discover now