The Fair G.D.

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You and Grayson decided to go to the fair that was open starting this week.

You started getting ready as you took a quick shower then blow-dried your hair.

The outfit you picked out today was a cropped up hoodie and a pair of ripped up jeans.

After you did your hair and applied a bit of makeup on, you found a pair of black vans in the closet and started to put them on.

As you were putting them on you heard a honk coming from outside.

You grabbed your phone in a rush as you were still trying to properly put your shoes on.

After finally putting your shoe on, you walk over to his car and smile once you see him.

"Took you long enough" he chuckles as he leans over to your side to peck your lips.

"Someone was impatient to see me," You say as you buckle your seat belt.

"Always am love," he says as he begins to drive.

All the way there you two sang some of your favorite songs and made fun of each other's terrible singing skills.

Once you two got to the fair you found an empty parking space and step outside.

"I'm so excited," you say happily as you hold on to Grayson's hand.

"You're so cute" he compliments you making you smile.

"Yeah I know" you chuckle.

Both of you make it to the entrance to buy your tickets.

"Let me pay," Grayson says as he sees you taking out some money.

"No, you paid last time. It's my turn" you say as you continue to take out your money.

"If you want to pay something you can pay for half of the tickets once we get inside" he smiles.

"Fine," you say giving into him.


Once you were inside both of you got a couple of tickets to ride some of the rides.

The first one you got onto was a roller coaster.

The whole time you and Grayson screamed in fear as the roller coaster took sharp turns making it feel like you were going to fall off.

Up next was the Ferris wheel.

"Come on let's go," you say dragging Grayson by the hand.

After waiting a couple of minutes in the line they seat both of you down and you two wait for it to start moving.

"I love you," Grayson said as he gives your hand a tight squeeze.

"I love you too" you blush.

"It's sorta iconic we are saying that on the Ferris wheel" I laugh.

"Just like the movies babe" he laughs too.

The Ferris wheel begins moving and you lookout to admire the view.

"The view here is amazing" you state as you look at the various lights that illuminated the fair.

"Yeah, it is," Grayson says looking straight at you admiring every single feature of your face.

You turn to look at him and chuckle.

"Stop looking at me weirdo" you laugh

He jokingly rolls his eyes and smiles as he looks out.


After you two got off the ride, you decided you wanted some cotton candy.

Both of you decided to share one and continued to walk around the fair while you ate it.

When walking around you say a cute little vampire.

"That's so cute" you point out to Grayson.

He looks over and sees what booth it was.

A huge smirk plasters on his face as he walks over to it.

The booth was a game where you used all you're strength to hit the top.

"I got this" he confidently says while we wait in line.

"Seriously" a guy walking by scoffs.

"Excuse me," Grayson says a bit angrily.

"Come on dude you're never going to win that," he says coming closer to me.

"Whoever asked for your opinion," Grayson says taking a step closer to him.

"I'm just saying. I don't want to disappoint this beautiful girl right here" he smirks at you.

"Back off," Grayson says as he stands in front of you.

"Not a chance," the guy says taking a step forward.

"Next" they call out.

"Let me show you how it's done" he confidently walks over and grabs the hammer and hits the target.

The bar didn't get to the highest point causing Grayson to chuckle.

"Let me try would you," he says walking over.

He grabs the hammer and with full force hits the target making a bell ring once the bar reached the top.

The guy ashamed walks away and Grayson grins.

They hand him the little vampire you wanted making me smile.

"And this is for you babe" he grins.

"Why thank you stong fellow" you chuckle.

"Man I hated that guy," he says as he holds you by the waist.

"Yeah me too. "



This one is eh I guess.

I'm sorry

But if you have a request please send them in :)

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