❤Scavenger Hunt E.D.❤

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Today was Valentine's day and Ethan had planned a huge scavenger hunt for you to follow throughout the day.

He knew your work might have interfered with your surprise so he called in some favors and made sure you got the day off.

He was quite nervous but felt confident his kind gesture would be worth it in the end.

"Babe wake up" Ethan whispered in your ear and kissed your forehead from the side.

"It's too early" you whined and turned to the side he was on.

Ethan was already dressed and stood next to your side of the bed waiting for you to wake up early since he had made certain reservations early.

"Well someone's awake" you chuckled and pulled your pillow a little lower.

"I am." Ethan chuckles." and you should be too"

You give him a stern look and roll your eyes in annoyance.

"I don't have to go to work so what's the rush" you groggily mumbled.

"This" Ethan said handing you and white envelope with a heart drawn on the corner.

"What is this?" you cheerfully smiled and sat up to open it.

"A surprise" he shyly said.

You opened the envelope and took out a small note that has Ethan's handwriting all over it.

This might be a bit cheesy, but this should be a bit easy.
Follow these simple instructions and meet me there later today.

- Get ready to relax because your day is going to be quite hectic.

Love, E.

"What does this mean?" you look up to him slightly confused.

"You'll see. Just go get ready because Cam is coming to pick you up soon" he leaned down to your level and pecked your lips.

He then walked off and allowed you to get ready.

You did as told and finished doing your morning routine
You left your face bare and decided to put your hair in a bun instead of actually fixing it up.

Soon enough you were out the door with Cam by your side.

She didn't tell you where you guys were heading until you reached the spa.

"What the hell?" you acted quite surprised.

"You have seen nothing yet" Cam chuckles and encourages You to walk in.

You do as told and are amazed by the beautiful entrance.

Cam signs both of you in and soon enough you begin the full spa treatment.

After getting a massage and a few facials, its finally time to go but Cam hands you another note.

This time it indicates you in a different location.

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