the day you left | E.D.

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Dear Ethan,

As much as it pains me to write this letter to you, I have come to the realization that our love wasn't like those epic love stories written in books or the ones seen in movies. We simply didn't work well together and it took us a while to realize it.

The day you left was the most heartwrenching thing I had to ever endure.

I remember watching you pack your bags as quickly as possible while uttering such hurtful words to me as our love had never existed.

I remember begging and crying to you in hopes that you wouldn't leave me the way you did, yet my words had no effect on you what so ever.

I remember watching you walk out the door and turning around to tell me that our relationship was over and that you were no longer coming back.

That's when my heart stopped beating. That's when my body went numb and my mouth dried out.

That's when I fell apart.

My body felt so weak that it collapsed a couple of minutes after you had left. Tears rapidly streamed down my face and soon enough I was full-on sobbing until I could no longer breathe.

That lasted a couple of days until I finally decided to get up.

I hadn't eaten in days since my appetite was non-existent.

My eyebags had become darker than ever before and my hair had knots everywhere.

My throat was dry and my eyes could no longer form tears.

I was drained, tired, and heartbroken.

So heartbroken that I had to move out and throw out everything that reminded me of you.

But I know you don't care too much about all that.

The only reason why I'm sending you this now is that I want you to know that I'm grateful for having you in my life.

You taught me how to love someone and how to hate someone at the same time.

You taught me that pain existed and that it was something I needed to cope with.

You taught me that people leave at unexpected times.

You taught me how to move on.

So thank you I guess.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.

I promise not to write to you ever again and I promise to forgive you.

Forgive you for what you did.

Because in the end, I wasn't the one that lost hope, you were and that's what I'm most sorry about.


P.s. that photo you found of us the one attached to this letter is yours to keep. I got rid of the rest and this was the last one that remained and I wanted you to keep it.


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