The Letter E.D.

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You sit calmly by your window writing in your small journal note for the guy you liked.

Dear Ethan,

I never imagined writing this to you.

In the beginning, I was an ordinary girl like the rest while you hung out with the more popular people but one day you stepped into that dinner, and ever since then, things changed.

You always came by at the same time during my shift to order a stack of pancakes or waffles sometimes.

We shared various small insignificant conversations that later made me realize something.

I realized that I was starting to like you.

Yeah, we aren't best friends or anything like that but what we do have is a small friendship.

That means a lot to me.

Your heart of gold and kind gestures made me change my perspective of you.

At first, I saw you as only a customer than an acquaintance than a friend.

And now something more.

Your such a kind and caring person that you made it hard not to like you.

Your beautiful hazel eyes made everything seem more full of life.

Your smile made butterflies form in my stomach and your laugh.

Your laugh was simply music to my ears.

It's a sweet melody that could be played over and over and I would never get tired of it.

I like the way you ask for me when I'm not there showing you care about me.

There are so many other reasons why I like you but if I wrote them all there wouldn't be enough pages or words to describe it all.

I just hope you feel the same way.


P.s. If you don't like me please don't tell me in person it would break my heart so just keep being my friend thanks :)

You laugh writing the last couple of parts and then fold up the letter.

You put it into a white envelope and seal the back of it.

You write his name at the front and put it next to some of your other stuff.

Today is Saturday and your shift is about to start.

You take the letter with you and a book with you for your break time.


You make your way towards the dinner doors when they open unexpectedly making tumble back and drop your book and letter.

You look in front of you and see Ethan with a group of his guy friends standing there.

"I didn't see you I'm sorry," he says as he kneels down to pick up your stuff.

"It's okay," you say as you pick up your book.

Ethan picks up the letter with his name on it and looks at it sternly.

You stayed in your same position feeling every inch of your body burn of embarrassment as you weren't really planning on giving it to him.

A couple of seconds of silence take over when he hands over the card back to you.

"Here," he says softly.

"Thanks" you respond as both of you stand up.

"See you around" is all he says as he begins to walk away with his friends.

You stand there debating on what to do.

An impulse choice is the one you make so you quickly turn his direction and call his name.

"Ethan" you call.

He turns around and stops as his friends continue to walk.

You build up the courage and run up to where he was.

"This is for you" you sat shyly handing him the card.

Ethan smiles as he gently takes the card from you.

"Thanks," he says with a beautiful white smile as you walk away from him.

You bite your lower lip unable to contain the small nervous chuckles escaping your lips.

You continue to walk to the dinner and keep thinking of his response.


Does anyone have a request?

Also, there will be the second part of this not sure.

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