stay with me ||| E.D.

830 24 2

"Sir please wake up" a nurse impatiently startled Ethan from his sleep.

"What's going on?" Ethan groggily said while rubbing his eyes.

"Sir you have to go wait in the waiting room now!" the nurse demanded.

That's when Ethan began to realize the rapid beats of the monitor booming as you were having a seizure while doctors and nurses placed you on your side.

"Wait for i-"

"You need to go now I'm sorry" the nurse pulled on his sleeves and tried taking him outside your room. Ethan resisted as much as he could but he was already out the door.

A crash car was pulled in minutes later when a blue code was called causing Ethan to panic and almost rush back inside.

He couldn't and he knew that because you needed medical attention and he would only be a disturbance.

"Please be okay," Ethan mumbled under his breath while staring at the doctors and nurses in your room.

His breath hitched every time you were shocked feeling a bit hopeful you would wake up and live.

That wasn't exactly the case.

"We got a heartbeat but she possibly has a brain bleed," Ethan heard one of the doctors say to another doctor.

"Send her straight to the O.R. and get her emergency contact to sign a consent form immediately."

"Yes, doctor" a nurse quickly rushed out while the other prepared you to move to the O.R.

"Where do I sign?" Ethan panicked.


It had been hours since they had moved you into the O.R.

Ethan was becoming more and more impatient by the minute until he saw one of the surgeon's walkouts.

His face was unreadable causing Ethan to panic a bit more.

"Mr. Dolan," the surgeon cleared his throat. "Y/n had a brain bleed as we had mentioned before which caused some complications during surgery. Luckily her body was able to withstand the surgery and we are hoping she will wake up in a couple of hours."

"Thank you so much," Ethan slightly smiled feeling a sense of relief take over his body.

"She will be in her room in a couple of minutes" the surgeon informed Ethan before he walked away.

Ethan was happy simply knowing you were alive. Hopefully, you stayed that way. Alive.


Ethan patiently waited for you to wake up and did not move an inch the whole time.

A couple of hours later, he finally decided to get some coffee at least to keep him awake.

Right when he walked out, a few seconds later, you began chocking on the breathing tube.

Ethan heard the monitor beeping causing him to run back immediately.

A nurse came along with him and a doctor soon ran in.

"She's choking on the tube," the doctor said as she moved around to get some gloves and a tray.

She began taking the tube out of your mouth placing it on the tray.

You coughed a bit afterward but began opening your eyes.

Your vision was a bit blurred but it soon started to clear up.

"Ethan?" you groggily asked.

"I'm right here," Ethan rushed to your side. "I'm right here," he mumbled under his breath again.


I forgot I had this. Oh well.

Any request?

Also, should I do the Christmas imagines like I did last December?

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