Marry me? E.D.

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"We have to talk about this Ethan!" you exclaimed as Ethan opened the apartment door.

"Talk about what marriage? The future?" he sarcastically remarks and plops down on the couch.


"What about it Y/n," he scoffs. "We live here in the present so let's take it one step at a time"

Your eyes quickly dart to his surprised by such ignorant words coming from his mouth.

"I want to get married, Ethan. Have kids of my own. Get a house together" you lower your voice letting a couple of tears spill out.

"We're too young for that still, come on y/n" he pushes himself up the couch.

"I know that but I just need to know that I'm going to have that with you" you whisper the last part.

Ethan looks back at you with sadden eyes.

"I don't know yet y/n. I don't know if I will ever want to have kids or even get married someday"

"You could change your mind" you insist.

"Don't you get it y/n I'm not who you want me to be. I don't want to get married!!" Ethan raises his voice and paces back and forward around the living room.

"We're young you'll change your mind, I know you will" tears stream freely as you take one step closer to Ethan.

He backs away and shakes his head.

"No y/n nothing will change my mind" Ethan coldly says.

You stand frozen in the middle of the living room waiting for him to take his words back but he doesn't.

You open your mouth once again but nothing comes out. You were broken and torn apart. This was the future you wanted.

A future with him being your husband and the father of your children but he didn't want that.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this anymore" he tries walking away but your voice cracked right before you said something else.

"Do you see me in your future?" you look up. "You know like in your YouTube career or something like that"

"Yeah I guess," he sighs." I see you traveling with Grayson and I on tour helping us out."

"You know I don't want that right?"

"I don't want marriage either but it seems to me You could change your mind too right?" he obnoxiously chuckles.

He's mocking you.

"I think we should take a break"

"I think we should"




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