7:55 E.D.

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Every day at the same time 7:55 am you showed up at the coffee shop bright and early waiting for him to walk in.

He always gave you a slight smile or greeting making everything stop around you.

But then something between you two changed.

He stopped coming in by himself.

He began coming with a girl who was simply beautiful at sight.

You stopped yourself every day from showing up but it always failed.

"I need to find the book! Where is it!" you exclaim as you look through some messy drawers and under the mess your apartment is surrounded by.

"Y/n why are you causing so much noise" your roommate walks in rubbing her tired eyes and yawning.

"I-i have a..a...a coffee reading group waiting for me" you lie trying to avoid her judgment.

"Isn't it this?" she says holding up the book that was placed on the counter next to her.

"Oh my god!!! This is the book I need"you say rushing over to grab it.

"I'm sorry running late, love ya," you say looking over to the clock that read 7:50.

After you storm out your apartment, you quickly run to the coffee shop a couple of blocks down.

You see you're on time and sit down in an empty table.

You open the book quickly as you hear the bells ring indicating the door is open.

Ethan being punctual as always walks right through the door waiting to see you.

A smile forms on his face as he sees you sitting down reading the classic love story, Romeo and Juliet.

He walks near you and speaks up.

"Shakespeare I see" he comments.

You lower the book down and meet his astonishing hazel eyes.

"Just a classic type of day" you joke.

"Nice to know," he says walking over to place an order.

You go back to you're book and smile as you were able to talk in a while.

Ethan liked you.

Seeing you each morning at 7:55 made his day a whole lot brighter.

The only problem was he was no longer available.

"See you," Ethan says to you as he walks by after picking up his coffee order.

"Bye" you say.

He walks out of the shop making you let out a deep breath.

"Reading group I see" your roommate states.

"I can explain" you quickly respond.

"There's no need for it  is there?"

"I know I just can't help it, " you say slouching down

"You need to say goodbye for good, he is taken," she says as she sits in front of me.

"I know I know and I'll fix it"


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