🎄 Cold G.D. 🎄

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Today all of your friends decided to meet up for a late secret Santa exchange. Since you guys planned it last minute, it was only fair to exchange gifts days after Christmas.

It was going to be quite awkward for you to attend since you didn't speak to most of them and you used to have a crush on Grayson a long time ago.

Yet it still felt odd to be near him or talk to him.

All of you opened gifts and ate at a burger place nearby and chatted for a while.

You felt strange sitting there as you could barely hear anything and didn't know what to contribute to their conversation.

Time past by and you were really craving an iced coffee even in the cold winter weather.

"Do you guys want to go get some coffee?" you asked.

All of them agreed to go but decided to wait a bit. You went along with that until a little later.

All of them got up and you quickly bolted out the door feeling the soft winter breeze hit your face.

It felt calming and reliving after being stuck inside that awkwardness.

Nobody followed but one of your friends peaked their head to tell you something.

"Y/n hold on a bit. Just come back inside" the suggested.

"I'll wait here" you responded back.

You walked over to a bench nearby and sat there waiting for them.

Minutes passed and you decided to go order your coffee across the street without warning them.

You walked across the street into the coffee shop and ordered an iced vanilla latte and waited for your order.

Minutes later your phone rang.

"Where are you?" your friend spike over the phone.

"Coffee shop" you responded.

"On our way," they said before ending the call.

Seconds later the group of friends walked inside right when you got your order.

"We should go take pictures and explore," one of your other friends said.

"We should" Grayson answers back.

"I'm down," Ethan says as we all walkout.

Grayson noticed something off with you but decided not to comment on anything about it in front of the rest.

"Comic book store" Ethan squealed as he walked over to it.

All of them followed expect you as you drank your coffee.

"Come inside y/n," Ethan asked.

"I'm good it's not that cold" you answered back.

"Yes you are come on" he begged.

"Go ahead I'm good," you said once again.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders and walked inside leaving you out there for a couple of seconds.

You look around a d finally hear the door open.

Grayson steps outside shivering and stand close to you.

"You should go inside" he murmurs.

"I'm good out here, you should go back" you kindly said to him.

"I'll wait out here then until you go inside," he said.

"You're cold. You should go back"

"I'm fucking cold but I'm staying here until you go in" he huffs.

"You're shivering to back" you begged once more.

"Why did you leave before?" he asked throwing you off guard.

"I-i needed air" you mumbled quickly.

Something about being near him made you feel nervous and doubtful.     the The feeling was simply indescribable.

Right when he was about to speak your friend peaks her head and smirks at you before stepping back inside.

Grayson took notice of that and you realized he did which made you feel slightly embarrassed.

He was about to comment about it but Ethan walks out with the rest following behind shortly.

"Some nice comics in there " he mentions before we all begin to walk away.

"I preferred staying out in the cold" Grayson commented looking over at you.

You slightly blushed at his comment and hid your face feeling embarrassed.

"Looks like you still like him" your friend whispers as you all continue to walk around.


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