Remember III E.D.

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You booked your flight bright and early the next day while Ethan booked his day after.

Ethan decided to part ways the same day as Grayson just a couple hours later ensuring he wouldn't miss his flight.

Little did he know that the love of his life would be flying to the same destination a day before him.

While on the plane, your mind wandered off into space but somehow managed to cling on that single memory you tried so desperately to remember.

"Miss" you heard someone speak beside you.

You took one of your earbuds out and listened to the middle-aged lady who called for your attention.

"Umm...hi" you nervously smiled.

"I'm sorry to bother you, dearly, I just wanted to ask you what you were thinking about?" she calmly communicates.

Not subtle at all I see. You thought.

"Nothing much" you bluntly responded.

"I know its none of my business darling, but it sure seemed like you were thinking about someone" she admits.

You look at her in amazement and try forming words to speak, but it seemed rather difficult at that moment.

"You're an open book my dear" she chuckles to herself. "It was rather obvious"

Maybe she isn't that bad

"I was just trying to remember the last time that we kissed." you timidly admitted."not that it mattered much" you mumbled.

"If you can't remember it, maybe you should ask him"

"Oh no," you nervously chuckle."I prefer not to"

"You should consider it" she kindly smiles back at me and goes back to reading a magazine she was holding.




Grayson's flight left a couple of hours ago, meaning I was on my own.

I didn't mind it though. I mean the only thing I have to do is wait a couple more hours to board.

I can wait.

Or so I thought.

While waiting, I managed to scroll through my camera roll named y/n which gave me more of a heartache than before.

Way to go Ethan! I mentally face palmed myself.

"She is a pretty girl" I hear a masculine voice comment from behind.

"Thanks?" I doubtfully answered back.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the voice said again this time a bit closer.

I look up from my phone and see a middle-aged man taking a seat next to me making me feel kind of uncomfortable.

"Was" I mumbled before putting my phone away.

"I'm sorry." he apologizes."I'm also sorry I'm so nosey."

"My wife always keeps me in check but she left for Colorado yesterday" he chuckles.

"That's nice" I fakely smile at him. Slightly uninterested.

"I know you are kind of creeped out right now but I think you two make a great couple." he kindly smiles back at me before getting up from the seat.

"Thank you"

"No problem kid" he waved off.




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