Give me a reason to stay G.D.

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Grayson and you had been recently seeing other people after you two had broken up. At first it didn't bother either of you, but that later began to change.

Grayson wanted you back even though he was now in a relationship with someone new.

Despite him being in a relationship, he decided to look for you and even promised to dump his new bitchy girlfriend for you. Yet, something happened that changed his mind yet again.

"You aren't being serious right?" you asked feeling tears forming under your eyes.

"Y/n im-" Grayson begins to apologize.

"I hate you, Grayson. I really do and I hope whatever you're doing right now is worth it." you scoffed and walked away.

Grayson, being as stubborn as he is, couldn't let you go. He grabbed onto your wrist before you reached the door and pulled you back to him, crashing his lips onto yours.

You pushed back immediately and allowed your hand to forcefully make contact with the side of his face.

"Get away from me" you screamed and ran off as fast as you could.

Grayson stood there feeling awful about what he had done, but in his heart, he knew he was doing the right thing letting you go.

What he didn't know was that you were leaving New York in a couple of days.

You were going to tell him as soon as he told you he was done with his ex, but clearly, that never happened.

Once you got home, you began packing everything you would need for the move, trying to get everything done days in advance. You needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

You called Ethan, who offered to help as he knew the situation you two were in and supported you as best he could.

"You're moving for sure?" he asked while you packed as quickly as possible.

"Yes and nothing is stopping me this time," you said and meant it.

Meanwhile, Grayson drove back to his apartment and found himself feeling down and hopeless.

His girlfriend tried pushing him to go out, but he refused every time and allowed her to go out with some friends.

Your words kept repeating in his head haunting him.

"I hate you, Grayson"

He knew you didn't mean it. Or at least he made himself believe you didn't.

That's all he could think about as he tried falling asleep, but sleep never came.

You and Ethan didn't sleep that night either as you continued to pack only the essential things you needed.

You packed your bags and called to move your flight the next day.

You had no reason to stay any longer.



I just wanted to say that this imagine was inspired by Annadepao books.

You should totally check them out and trust me your in for a ride.


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