Bully II E.D.

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Ethan's P.O.V

I hate her.

I hate her so much that her existence annoys me.

She deserved to die.

Not him.


She took everything from me and now I was left broken and alone.

I can't believe I once loved her.

Pathetic of me to ever believe that but such love turned into pure and absolute hate.

I didn't care what happened to her so I pushed her around and insulted her just to see if it made me feel better.

It didn't but that didn't stop me.

I needed her to feel something that wasn't happiness.

I needed her to feel the way I did.

Otherwise, his death would have meant nothing.

I clear my head and begin walking through the large entrance doors.

I see my group and follow them as I make my way down the hallway.

I can't wait to see Alex's terrified face once she sees me.

It's astonishing looking at her in that state.

As I walk over to her locker I see a group of people covering her locker.

I furrow my eyebrows and approach them.




What the fuck is this?

I turn around and see someone else bringing more flowers to a small little altar.

"What is this?" I ask.

"It's for Alex's small memorial" they answer.

What the fuck

"Memorial for what?" I ask again.

"Its to commemorate her death"

I look at them in disbelief and try to understand what they are saying.

They notice my silence and elaborate more on the subject.

"Alex drowned and her body was later found. Her parents are-"

Before they continue, I run the opposite way towards the direction of my car.

Once I get there I quickly put my keys in the ignition and drive to her house.

She can't be dead

This is all a lie

She can't be

I park my car outside her driveway and sprint out of my car.

I don't bother turning it off as I run up the doorstep to the main door.

I knock loud and hard trying to get some answers.

Not long after the door opens to Alex's mom.

Her eyes were bloodshot and her eyebags were quite prominent.

"Ethan" she softly smiles even in her weak state.

"Please tell me she's here" my lips quiver as I feel tears forming under my eyes.

"Oh sweetheart I wish I could," she says before a couple of tears fall out her eyes.


I stay silent not being able to process this.

"I'm sorry" I apologize.

"It's not your fault honey," she says.

Tears begin falling down my face as I begin to feel guilty about her death.

It's my fault.

"I was actually going to give you this" she softly says as she walks over to a small table that stood behind her.

She hands me an envelope with my name on it and I softly smile as a thank you before leaving.

I run back to my car and drive to the only place I knew.

Near the cliff.

I made my way over there and parked my car. I then walked all the way there.

I sat down and took out the letter.


Was written in the front part.

I opened it up and began reading.

Dear Ethan,

I know both of us to know that our feeling for each other is undeniable. That's why I'm writing this. Grayson also told me to. He said if I didn't write it down, I would never have the guts to admit it.

That's true.

Anyways. Ethan I just wanted to tell you how much I love you.

How much I love the way your smile brights up my day.

Or the way your presence next to mime makes me feel that rush of emotion.

Only you can make me feel that way.

That's why I love you, Ethan Grant Dolan.

Never forget that.


Tears begin falling once again as I read.

I knew this letter was quite old yet it still had the same effect. Except for this time, it hit me even harder after all the harm I caused her.

I'm a jerk who deserves to die.

But death will not repay for all that damaged I caused.

Not any more.

I decide to rip the letter into pieces and throw it out into the ocean.

I can have that letter haunting me all the time.

I need to change.

I need to move on for both of them now.

That's all I could ever do.

I'm so sorry Alex.


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