The Haunted House || E.D.

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I recommend re-reading part one before reading this if you haven't already <3

It's been a year since the whole haunted house incident where they had declared you missing.

Ethan, on the other hand, was found inside the haunted house that night.

The only thing he vividly remembered was hearing that voice repeat that the games had begun.

A game he was now willing to play in order to win you back.

Flashback to a year ago...

Ethan ran around the house trying to find any clues on where to find you, but sadly he found nothing.

The Haunted house was filled with smoke and dim lighting making the whole experience a bit frightful.

After spending almost all night trying to find you, Ethan fainted once a sleeping gas was released into the air.

"Times up," the dark voice repeated.


The haunted house was not reopened this Halloween season but that wasn't going to stop Ethan from breaking in.

Ethan made sure to prepare the night before Halloween by packing himself a backpack filled with essentials such as flashlights, a blanket, batteries, etc.

This was his night to get you back and he was beyond prepared.

He had made a plan throughout the year and even managed to get the blueprints of the building to study every exit and every entrance of the house.

He ultimately found out a hidden compartment near the outside of the house almost like a basement underground a few feet away from the house.

When Ethan got a close enough parking spot near the house, he held to his backpack tightly and said a little prayer before going.

His blood was pumped by pure adrenaline at this point and there was no going back.

When he finally found the door to the underground basement in the backyard he began to open it when he heard that voice again.

"Back to play again?" the dark voice said from behind.

Ethan slowly turned around to face a medium size person covering their face with a mask.

"Where's y/n?"Ethan asked his voice coming out a bit shaken than he wanted to.

"In the house" the person pointed to the house before your voice was heard.

"ETHAN HELP ME!" you screamed.

Ethan immediately reacted and began sprinting to the house that began to light up inside again.

He tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge like last year.

This was a trap again.

He turned back around to see the person with the mask missing.

Ethan looked around to make sure it was safe and ran back near the basement.

A lock secured the door causing Ethan to quickly get a hammer he carried in his backpack to break the lock.

With one swift hit, he breaks the lock and quickly removes it to open up the door.

He slides down the door and closes it once again.

When he walks inside he is surprised to find you connected to monitors like those of a hospital.

Ethan took a few steps forward to see that your heartbeat was normal and it seemed like you were sleeping.

And indeed you were sleeping, for about a year.

Ethan took a few steps forward and held your hand feeling his small heart light up again.

Tears formed in his eyes not believing just yet that you were alive.

Your eyes were about to open when Ethan's head was hit from behind leaving him unconscious for a while.

Meanwhile, the person in the mask made sure your iv was filled with that anesthetic to put you to sleep again.

"Better luck next time,"



Happy Halloween loves!!!

Hopefully, I can get more writing dome soon.

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