the day I fell in love | E.D.

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Continuation of the day you left...

Dear y/n,

I received your letter a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't bring myself to write this until today.

I  realized that the suffering you had to endure because of me was unjustified and that I was selfish.

I was selfish because I didn't take into consideration the consequences of my actions. Well, at least not completely.

Because of me, you were falling apart.

Because of me, you had to experience heartbreak.

It was my fault you had to go through this.

When I saw your handwriting on the front of the envelope, I couldn't contain the sadden feeling that cruised through my body.

I remember heading to my apartment that night and opening the envelope as carefully as possible to expose a picture of us at the state fair and a sheet of paper folded a couple of times, just enough to fit inside the envelope.

I took the letter and read it over and over again until I had memorized every word you had written by heart.

I was a mess afterward and seeing the picture of us, the last picture you had kept of us, made me think about that day.

The day I fell in love with you.

I remember that night at the state fair when the only bright lights we could see were those found near the concession stands and the big neon light rides.

I remember walking around with your arm wrapped around my waist while we made side comments of each little ride we passed and how we would never ride it. The funny thing about it was that we always ended up riding that one ride we were most afraid of and regretted it afterward.

I remember I kept trying to make you laugh or smile simply because it made body jolt in ecstasy.

I remember admiring your beauty every chance I got because I wanted to remember that day for the rest of my life.

I wanted to remember the day I had realized what love was and what love felt like.

The definition of love was you.

And it still is.

I know what I did was wrong and I'm fully aware of that but I regret leaving especially in those terms.

I can't justify what I did as I said before and I know you won't accept my reasons because they aren't valid.

They are stupid reasons and now that I have come to terms with my mistakes I want to talk.

I know you will probably not read this. Or respond for that matter but give us another chance because I have hope this time.

Hope that we will make things work.

I hope my love for you will be enough at least for right now.

Please think about it



P.s. I love you


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