stay with me || E.D.

913 41 2

Ethan ran from his parked car towards the emergency room where he asked in a worrisome voice where his girlfriend was.

Immediately the nurse guided him to the waiting room where he would soon receive news of your state once out of surgery.

Ethan paced back and forwards waiting for anyone who had news of your condition.

Hours passed and nobody had come to update him.

Ethan panicked and tried asking the nurses whether you were alive but they too didn't know anything.

Ethan later fell asleep without him realizing it and when he woke up a doctor stood in front of him.

Ethan stood up quickly and asked. "How is she? Can I see her?"

The doctor had a long face indicating something wasn't right.

The doctor took a big deep breath before delivering his news.

"Y/n lost a lot of blood," he mumbled. "Her body couldn't handle the stress of-"

"What are you saying?" Ethan was on the verge of crying when the doctor said.

"She is on life support right now as we speak. We don't think she will make it without it but we will wait a couple of hours to ensure there isn't any brain activity and maybe then you can consider taking her off life support."

Ethan was devasted and couldn't form any words at this moment.

He stood there paralyzed for a couple of minutes before asking to see her.

The doctor guided him towards your room and allowed Ethan some privacy.

The minute Ethan stepped foot inside the room he felt like a part of him was missing.

You layed in a hospital bed connected to various machines allowing you to live for a while longer.

Your skin had lost its natural color and parts of it were bruised up.

Ethan pulled a chair nearby closer to you as he held your hand before speaking.

"I should have made have stayed with me," he whispered while tears starting to stream down his face. "This would never have happened if I had convinced you to stay."

"It's my fault." he sobbed into her hand.

"It isn't your fault." Ethan heard someone behind him say.

"I-" Ethan looked up to see a nurse coming over to check up on you.

"I know you love her, but you can't blame yourself for this," she mumbled. "I'll be back a little later to check up on her again." she lastly said before leaving.

Ethan blankly stared at the wall while holding your hand before taking a deep breath in.

"Please stay with me?" he cried.


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