Best Friend E.D

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You and the rest of the group decided to go on a mini road trip to a small beautiful beach a couple of hours from home.

The twins and your other best friend decide to join you while your year-long boyfriend Mason decided to stay back home.

Ethan is happy knowing that prick isn't coming on the trip with them as he knows he is not worthy of you.

Ethan has had a crush on you ever since childhood. He hasn't told you anything because he is afraid to ruin what you guys had.

Then when he had the guts to tell you how he felt you already had said yes to Mason.

None of your friends liked him but you being blind thought that he was kind and was a good person for you.

All the way to the beach loud music played as all of you were jamming out.

"We should do this more often," you say to Ethan over the loud music.

He sits next to you in the back seat while Grayson drives and your best friend sits in the passenger's seat.

"Yes we should," he says with a million-dollar smile.

You sing from the top of your lungs the lyrics of your favorite song when you feel your phone vibrate.

You look down and open the text Mason sent you.

Your face expression drops in a matter of seconds as your eyes read the text.

Your eyes become watery but you pretend everything is okay as you don't want your friends to worry.

The music dials down as you plug in some earbuds and rest your head on the window.

Ethan notices your change of mood and begins to feel concerned about your emotional state.

The rest of the car ride Ethan, Grayson, and your best friend glanced at you trying to figure out what was wrong.

You guys get to the hotel close to the beach and decide to check-in.

You unplug your music as the car makes a full stop.

"I'll get us checked in. Let me just take my bag" you say with a soft mellow voice as you get out of the car.

"I'll get the bag for you," Ethan says.

You give him one of your best fake smiles and then leave.

Ethan notices that smile wasn't an actual smile but more like a fake one.

They all take the bags out of the car and head to the lobby where you were at checking in.

You get the keys from the lady at the counter and walk over to where they were standing.

"It's two rooms so one for us girls and one for you guys," you say with a monotone voice.

"Okay let's get our stuff up," Grayson says.

You all go up the elevator and feel the awkward tension between all of you.

Nobody wants to ask what's a wrong feeling that it would hurt you so they wait till your ready.

The elevator door opens leading you guys to the long hallway filled with different rooms.

You find your own room and leave your stuff in there.

"I'm going to enjoy the sunset want to come," you ask.

"Umm no I'm a bit tired so I'm just going to lay down for a bit," your best friend says.

You nod in response and make your way out to the beach.

Your friend hears you walk out the door and waits a couple of minutes just to make sure you aren't out there.

She sprints out of the bed to the door and runs to the other side of the hallway where the twin's room was at.

"Go talk to her Ethan," your friend said as she walked into their room.

"I don't know what to say," he says a bit nervous.

"She needs you more than ever go. She is at the beach waiting for someone like you" she says in an urgent manner.

Ethan quickly gets up and runs to the elevator wasting no time.

He gets down to the beach in no time and sees y/n sitting on the soft beach sand looking out into the ocean.

He takes his shoes off and walks over to where you're sitting.

He takes a seat next to you and lets a deep breath out.

"What's wrong," he asks you.

Without saying much you hand him your phone and showed him the text Mason sent you earlier today.

Mason: I don't think this is working out since I like this other girl. So I'm sorry

Ethan looks up to you as he sees your eyes shed a single tear.

He felt bad seeing you like this so he decided to say the one thing he thought would make you feel better.

"I love you.." he said in a soft whisper.

You didn't think you heard him correctly so you looked over and asked for clarification

"What?" you said softly.

"I love you. I loved you ever since the first time I saw you and I don't think I'll ever stop," he says looking out to the ocean.

"When where you planning to tell me this?" you ask looking at him.

"The day you said yes to Mason," he says sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me before that, "you say as your voice cracks.

He looks over to you and sees that you started to cry.

"I didn't want to ruin this friendship between us," he tells you with glossy eyes.

"I dated Mason to forget my feelings about you Ethan," you say letting out a couple of tears.

"I thought you didn't feel the same way so I decided I should try to date other people but the only person I ever wanted was you"

Ethan doesn't hesitate and cups both of your cheeks in his hand as he closes the gap between you two.

Your lips touch his and you begin to feel fireworks explode in your stomach as both of your lips share a tender kiss as the sun goes down creating a beautiful sunset behind y'all.



I'm sorry it's late. I just started school so bare with me love y'all.

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