Long Distance V G.D

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Graysons P.O.V.

"Surprise!" Bani entered causing me to push Angie off me.

Bani ran towards Ethan who sat on the other side with a huge smile forming on his face.

"When did you get here" he immediately stood up and hugged her very tightly.

"We just got here a couple of hours ago"


"Is y/n here too?" I asked a bit happy and scared at the same time.

"Yeah she is-" she looks at the door but nobody can be seen

"She was right there a couple of minutes ago. I'm not sure what happened"


"I'll be back" I announced before running out the door.

She saw me.

Of course, she saw Me.

I'm fucked.

"She went that way" my manager points to the front exit sign.

"She didn't look too happy"


I need to catch up with her.

I can't lose her.

The longer I ran the more I panicked as I saw no sign of her.

I pushed the door of the venue open to see her running.

"Y/n wait" I tried chasing after her but the security people stopped me once she ran by the fans.

I push the doors to the venue open again and begin punching the first thing I saw.

What the hell did I just do?


You stood outside the door and allowed a couple of tears to stream down your face.

You couldn't pretend to in awe after what you saw so you ran.

"Y/n what-" the manager spots you and stops you.

"I'm sorry" you pushed him away and continue to run as fast as you could.

You violently pushed the doors of the venue open and ran towards the side of the fans as you heard him call your name.

You finally stopped after a while and called the driver to come to pick you up.

He took you back to the hotel and followed you up into your room upon your request.

"I know Bani will ask where I went so can you please tell her I had to go" you rambled on as you tried to stop crying and tried carrying your bag.

"Of course ma'am" he came over to help you.

You asked him to take you to the airport where you called the company back and accepted the job immediately.

You changed out your flight and waited to board in a couple of hours.

During that time you turned everything off and waited patiently for your flight.

To a life without him.


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