jessie's girl | G.D.

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"Y/n wait," Jessie called from behind as he had run after you.

"He told me he loved me." you blurted out once you turned around to face him.

Your emotions were out of control and you could no longer think straight due to Grayson's words being heard over and over in your head.

"He did what?" Jessie mumbled in shock.

"He loves me, Jessie," you sighed in frustration, pacing back and forward.

Jessie looked at you and tried thinking of ways he could respond to what you had said but nothing seemed to sound right.

"Do you love me Jessie?" you stopped and looked back at him.

You were on the edge, all panicked up and had no idea what you got yourself into.

"I- umm- well-" Jessie stumbled on his words.

Your face fell for a split second making Jessie look down at his feet.

"It's a yes or no question Jess," you mumbled hoping he would answer your question.

"I don't know,"

"Oh" Was all you managed to say.

You two stood there in silence as both of your hearts shattered in an instant.

Jessie was, in fact, unsure what to say to make this moment less painful while you wondered what was going to happen now.

The one thing you did realiZe was that maybe Grayson said what said as an impulse.

Everything just happened in the heat of the moment and it was simply that and nothing more.

Your mind was no longer clouded as you took a few steps back and walked away from the sad-looking Jessie.

You needed space from everything. That's why you had left to allow yourself one night to think but Jessie had to come following making you say things you probably didn't want to say right away.

The rest of the night, right after you were picked up, was spent sleeping or trying to at least.

You had turned off your phone and has cleaned yourself up before laying down in bed.

The next day was luckily a Saturday meaning you could avoid anyone and everyone until Monday.

Or that's what you thought.

Later that day. Grayson showed up at your doorstep a bit nervous to speak to you.

"I wanted to talk about yesterday," he said once you had opened the door.

"Come in" you opened the door a bit more allowing him to step inside your house.

You guided him toward your room and allowed him to sit on your bed next to you.

"I meant what I said." He looked at his hands before looking up at you with sadden eyes.

"I love you too Gray but-" you sigh.

"There's no buts y/n" Grayson stands up. "We are good for one another and-"

"Jessie." you looked up at him. "He meant something to me and its only fair for me and him to talk before anything happens." you clarified.

"I want to do the right thing"

"I'm willing to wait then" Grayson sat back down and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"I want Jessie's girl," Grayson softly whispered with a small chuckle leaving his lips.



Did you actually believe I ended it with her leaving?

I hope you guys enjoyed this mini-series.

Will be writing another one soon

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