Happy birthday!!! Not

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                     Catalina's POV
I woke to the sound of my brothers yelling at each other, shaking my head I was glad it wasn't me this time. I got up slowly before heading to the mirror, I brushed and pulled my dirty blonde hair into a bun on top of my head. My blue eyes stared back at me in the mirror they seemed sad. My name's Catalina Summer, today I turn eighteen and have the chance to meet my mate. I also get to shift for the first time, I live with my father and two older brothers, their twins, in Bay Springs, Alabama. I shook my head as I headed down the stairs getting a warm hug from my father and glares from my two older brothers. They have mistreated me since our mother's death eight years ago. I have no idea why they hate me, or why they treat me so badly. Nothing I do is ever good enough for them or anyone else besides my dad.

           "Happy birthday Sweetie." My father smiled as he handed me a plate of Eggs and bacon, his face shined with pride as he looked at me... Though I doubt he'd look at me that way if he knew what other thought about me.

           "Thanks Dad!" I smiled as I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek before taking a seat at the kitchen island. My father was always a kind man, he never really raised his voice unless he was really mad.

I heard the door slam as I sat there slowly eating my breakfast, I frowned knowing it was my brothers. They were headed to school, I wonder what kind of drama they planned on starting today? I had know idea what I had done to deserve their hate and torment, it didn't use to be like this... My smile must have left my face because my fathers voice rang out in the silence. "What's wrong Catalina? Why the long face, today's your big day you should be excited!"

I didn't want him to worry about me, he had enough on his plate seeing as he still had to take care of his duties as the beta. At least until he passes on the title to one of my brother's. "It's nothing dad, I'm just a little nervous that's all. Seeing as I not only shift for the first time after today but can find my mate."

He sat across from me as he looked up from his newspaper, he didn't seem all that worried about those things. He had a great deal of faith in me, being his only daughter and the youngest in the house he sometimes still treated me like a kid. "Honey there's no reason to be nervous, you'll find your mate even if it's not today and you'll have us here with you when you shift. So try to smile and have a good time."

My father always seemed to know just how to make me feel better, he smiled at me once more before turning his attention back to he's newspaper. I stood from my seat before taking my plate to the sink, I washed the dishes before turning to my father again. My phone buzzed in my pocket, checking it quickly I smiled. "Thanks dad, Bella's here so I'll see you after school."

I grabbed my bag as I headed for the door, I knew that my dad wouldn't be home until later seeing as he had a meeting with the alpha. I slid my phone into my pocket as I headed out to meet Bella, she sat in the driveway in her two thousand three Honda accord. The windows were down and the music was thumping, I quickly made my way to the car before hopping inside.

                "Hey girl! So how was the party last night?" I asked as we pulled out of my driveway, Bella was an outgoing girl that loved to party. She wanted me to go out with her last night saying that I should have a good time seeing as it was my birthday today but I didn't feel like partying especially seeing as it was a party at Jessica's...

         "Hey! You would not believe what happened last night! Man there was a huge fight between Jessica and Chole, they were fighting over... well you know." Bella smiled as she spilled the tea she had gathered, she wouldn't have even had to explain so much I knew... Jessica was Mason's regular booty call while Chole was his side piece, it was only a matter of time before they fought like dogs over him.

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