Chapter One

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I let out a short, bitter laugh. "Luke Hemmings? Calum Hood? I don't think so." I spit.

Ashton's eyes are even begging me. "Please?"

I sigh. "Ash..."

Perhaps I should start with the beginning. Not the present.

Where should I begin?

I know! Moving to Australia, leaving my brother and mother.

Why? Plenty of reasons.


* * *

I put on a plain white T-shirt, black jeans, and white hightops. I leave my light brown hair down, and put on my glasses, grab my bag and sprint out the door. At my bus stop, no one speaks. They all stare at me. I see a boy standing alone, leaning against the stop sign.

Maybe he's friendly?

He has dark hair, tan skin, and dark chocolate colored eyes.

"Hi." I say, and stand awkwardly in front of him.

His eyes scan my outfit, and face.

Than he smiled. I tried to grin back.


"How'd you know?"

"You're talking to me."

I instantly got it. He's got a girlfriend, or he's popular. My cheeks burned, turning red.

"Sorry." I mumbled, and stepped back.

"I don't mind. All the pretty girls talk to Luke. My friend. Not me." He exclaimed. "I'm Calum Hood."

"Carson Millers."

We talked for a while, until the bus started to come closer to our street.

"Bus." He said, and we walked on together. "Sit with me?"

"Cal! Back here!" I heard a deep voice call.

Calum gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry. Tomorrow?"

I sighed. "Sure. Whatever." I tried not to sound disappointed, but I probably failed.

I never saw the other boys face, but I just assumed it was Luke.

I despised the boy already.

* * *

As I walked to my 3rd class, someone bumped into me, knocking down my books.

"Watch where your going newbie." The girl spat, causing everyone to laugh.

I bit my lip, refraining myself from tackling her.

"I will." She glared at me.

"Trying to be tough? Get over yourself. Your ugly anyway."

I gathered up stuff, watching who she went over to. She headed to a group of kids who were laughing and pointing at me. I saw her give a flirty smile to a blonde boy with a cute lip piercing, and the bluest eyes I've ever seen. He was quite tall, and me my heart flutter.

Among those people, Calum was laughing.

At me. He saw me staring, and instantly stopped. He took a step towards me, but the blonde boy stopped him. He started to protest, but the boy shot him a mean glare. He mouthed a sorry to me, stuffing his hands in pockets, and stared at the floor.

Keeping the tears in, I ran to the bathroom, where I let the tears freely fall down my face.

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