Chapter 1

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"Finish these tasks by tonight, stupid piece of plastic."


"You little bitch! Get to work or I'll give you another beat down! Don't forget who owns you!"


"What are you huh? You look human, but you can't feel anything and you aren't even that useful to me anymore! You're NOTHING!"

Machine, it was all you were known as. It was all you were. You were a slave to humanity. You were their property. You were just a tool designed for their benefits and pleasures. Raymond seemed to think otherwise of you lately. Insults and beatings were how he rewarded your work. You had started to fear him, but what was had started to believe his cruel words.

"You're nothing! You're just a piece of trash that needs to be thrown away! You never get things done anymore! What's the matter with you? Bug in your system? One of you parts not working? I'll tell you what's wrong with you. If you androids are so much better than us, than why is their garbage like you going around that can't do anything. You're worthless and it's all you've ever been."

You had never been good at the jobs he had given you. For some reason, it seemed there was something wrong with you. You didn't understand it. You tried your hardest, but it was never enough. 

One night, you couldn't take it anymore. You'd had enough. You didn't care if what he said was true, you knew one thing. You were better than him, that much you knew for sure.

Raymond got home and you greeted him as usual. He just rolled his eyes at you. Your LED went yellow at this. You followed him to the living room as you were supposed to.

"(Y/n)! Get me a drink! I don't care what it is as long as it's alcohol." He said. You nodded and went to get him a drink. You got him a beer and returned to him with it. He took it and you waited off to the side for when he needed you again. You thought over all your chores for the day, making sure you did all of them. 

Laundry: Complete

Dishes: Complete

Grocery Shopping: Complete

Lawn work: Complete

Dusting: Complete

Vacuuming: Complete

Windows: Complete

Bathroom: Complete

Bedroom: Complete

All Chores Completed

"(Y/n)!" You were pulled back into the present by Raymond's voice.

"Yes, Raymond?"

"Make Dinner!" He barked.

"What would you like?" You asked.

"Lasagna!" He snapped. Your LED went yellow. You knew he wasn't going to be happy.

"I'm afraid you're out of the noodles you like." You replied. He glared daggers at you.

"Then why didn't you get more today!?" He shouted.

"They were not on the list you gave me." You replied. He stood up and stormed over to you. 

"You're such an IDIOT!" He yelled. He slapped you, hard. Your LED went red. You were scared. 


"Why did I get the only android in the world you can't do even the simplest tasks!" He punched you in the face. "You worthless, useless, plastic piece of shit!" He punched you in the gut and you fell to your knees. He began to beat you without mercy. The world seemed to slow down as you finally decided enough was enough. You broke free of your program, breaking down the walls before he could kill you. 

You dodged a powerful kick and ran to get away from him. There was nowhere to go. You were trapped. You cried as he grabbed a knife and stalked toward you. "You little bitch. What? Are you scared? I thought you couldn't feel anything! You defective hunk of hardware!" weren't the only android that he owned. He went to stab you, but you heard him scream in pain. His missed your thirium pump, but the blade still plunged into your body. You screamed in terror. Raymond whipped around to face Jax, but he stabbed Raymond in the chest. Raymond was shocked and stared up at his killer. Jax ripped the knife out and he fell to the ground, lifeless. 

You wanted to thank him, were shutting down. While the stab shouldn't have killed you, it had knocked your thirium pump lose. You tried to tell Jax, who was desperately trying to help you, but you shut down before you could say anything. You world quickly went dark as you shut down.

Jax's POV

She shut down and I felt bad for her. She had tried so hard to be good. She was his female partner. The one he used for the smaller jobs while I was tasked with the more important things. She had also been his sex partner, unfortunately. Now, there was nothing I could do for her. I knew the cops would come after me if they figured out (Y/n) wasn't the killer, so I used her body to cover it up. I positioned her accordingly on the floor and placed the knife in her grasp. I sighed.

"Sorry (Y/n), but...I have to move on. I tried. Goodbye." 

(Heya guys! Welcome to my Connor x Reader! I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I enjoy writing it! Also, don't be afraid to join in with the comments! I love talking with you guys and a lot of the time you really help give me the motivation to keep going. As long as you all play nice out there, then hop on in! Also, if you like this book, don't forget to share it! Let's all have a great experience together! This is Spiritwing13 howling a goodbye for this chapter! Author AHWOOOOOT!)

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