Chapter 84

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Connor's POV

I woke up, and I noticed that (Y/n) wasn't next to me. I sighed. I figured she had just gotten an early start and had gone to see Galaxy and Bandit. I guess I'll go check on her. I thought. I got up and went to get dressed. I put on the bracelet (Y/n) had made for me. Instead of a promise ring, I had a bracelet. The lock was representative of the promises I'd made for her. It had been my idea to get one, but she'd insisted she that make it for me instead. honestly, I loved the bracelet and was pleased that I had given in to letting her do it. I checked over myself in the mirror, but as I was, I heard the speaker go off.

"Would any free guidance android please report to the opening doors. I repeat; please report to the opening doors, thank you." Guidance androids? What? I was curious about what was going on, but it didn't seem too serious. I began to head to the pet wing. As I was on my way. The speakers went off again. "Connor needs to come to the main control room immediately. I repeat; the android known as Connor needs to come to the main control room immediately." I was worried now. I hurried to get to the control room.

I ran into Hank along the way. I paused. I wanted to talk to him to see if he knew anything about what was going on. I had no clue about it, so I thought I could try asking him.

"Hank, do you know what's going on?" I asked.

"I thought you would." He said. I shook my head.

"Well, you better get going-"

"Hank Anderson, Elijah Kamski, Simon, and Josh to the main control room. Once again, I repeat; Hank Anderson, Elijah Kamski, and the androids known as Simon and Josh to the main control room, thank you." The woman on the speakers said. I looked at him, even more worried now. He looked concerned too.

"Come on." He said. I nodded and we hurried off. We soon arrived and I saw Markus, North, Simon, and Josh were there. Kamski had arrived with us since we had just gotten to the door as he came from a different direction. The four android leader figures were all talking with each other, serious expressions on each of their faces. The three of us hurried over.

"What's going on?" Hank asked.

"Connor, two androids arrived today. One of them was begging us to get you." Markus said. 

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes. Come on." He said. We all walked over and I saw an android I thought I would never see again. 

"Oreon, he's here." Markus said. Oreon looked up, eyes wide with worry. He ran up to me.

"Connor!" He exclaimed. "Connor! She's gone! They took her! I tried to stop him, but I couldn't and I'm sorry for everything I did! I'm sorry I fought you, I was just so upset and I lost it and now she's gone and it's all my fault!" He rambled on. 

"Oreon, wait! Slow down!" I said. "What happened? Who's gone? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Crap! I forgot she didn't tell you! Uh, how can I say this nicely? Um, Connor, you see, well....screw it, (Y/N)'S GONE!" He said, I had never seen him so panicked, but his words hit me harder than anything else. 

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"She left while you were asleep and came to find me, and we talked for a minute, but then Collin showed up and I tried to protect her, but I couldn't and NOW SHE'S GONE!!" Oreon shouted, beginning to hyperventilate. 

"What the fuck!?" Hank exclaimed.

"Well, this is one way to start off the day." Kamski said.

"Markus, what are we going to do?" North asked.

"We need a plan. I'm sure we can-"

"We don't have time for a plan!" Oreon said.

"We can't just barge into Cyberlife!" Josh said.

"Everybody calm the fuck down!" Hank said and everyone went quiet. I needed to sit down. I collapsed into the nearest chair. "Connor!" Hank exclaimed. "Son, you still with me?" He asked.

"S-she's gone...she's in trouble. I-I should've known she was going to leave, I could've stopped her." I whimpered mostly to myself.

"Connor, the last thing we need is you breaking down. We're gonna get her back, son. We're gonna save her, okay?" He said. I nodded, taking deep breaths to stay calm.

"O-okay." I said.

"So, what are we going to do?" Simon asked.

"We need to infiltrate the Cyberlife tower. If she's anywhere, that's where she's going to be." Markus said.

"But how? We'll be killed instantly if we go out there." North said.

"I have an idea. Get Scout." Markus said. 

"I'll go get him." Simon said. Scout was Markus' pet bird. He was a falcon. Soon, Simon came back and gave him to Markus. "Scout, get us eye view images and scans of the Cyberlife tower. Locate (Y/n)." Markus said. He made a falcon noise and flew off. An android opened the doors for him and he flew out of new Jericho. 

We all watched the screen as the bird flew to the Cyberlife tower. It took a minute, but it finally came into view. I watched, my metaphorical stomach in knots. He flew around the tower giving us crystal clear images and scans. I saw a taxi pull in.

"There!" I pointed out. 

"Scout! The Taxi!" Markus contacted him. The recording turned toward the Taxi and we watched it intently. I saw Collin climb out holding a limp (Y/n). I felt rage and terror at the same time. The Collin was guarded by many soldiers as they escorted him into the building. "Track them!" Markus told Scout. The video went into an x-ray 3D scan mode. The blue dot was them. They went up to the very top floor.

"Of course they'd take her there. That's the lab that can only be accessed by the highest people there." I said.

"So how are we going to get to her?" North asked. Markus thought on it for a second.

"Not we. Connor." He said.

"WHAT!?" Everyone said at once.

"Collin looks almost exactly like him. We just need to make a few adjustments and it'll be easy for Connor to get into Cyberlife again.

"What about getting him out?" Hank asked.

"We can be prepared for that. Look at the scans. There's a small helipad at the bottom of the building, probably for the woman who runs Cyberlife. If Connor can get up, he can fly out." Markus said. "Scout will be there watching the whole thing incase anything goes wrong. We'll be out in a boat on the water, keeping a safe enough distance, but close enough to rush in if things get too bad." Markus said.

"Are we sure about this?" Josh asked. "I mean...they're probably waiting for us." Markus paused.

"It's a risk we have to take."

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