Chapter 127

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You all drove to Cyberlife again. You climbed out of the car and you strained your neck up at the tower. You remembered what Hank said and the more you thought about it, the more you realized that he was right. It really did seem like you could never turn away from this place. While it was a good place now, and it was basically Collin's home, it was hard to forget the evil that had been surrounding it for so long.

You followed after the others as you headed inside. Connor talked to the woman at the receptionist desk again and she let all of you head up. You all headed up to talk to Collin. As you headed up, Connor began to play with his coin again. Oreon and Hank tried to ignore it, but you smiled, watching as he did his tricks. 

Soon enough you made it to the top. You all walked out and you saw that Collin was looking through some android citizenship records. He turned when he heard the elevator.

"So, what exactly are you looking for?" He asked.

"A model that's a DV200. I've never heard of that model before though." Connor explained.

"Neither have I." Oreon agreed. He nodded.

"Well, I ran through the files of all androids with a 200 model label, but I didn't find anything either. There is no recorded DV200." Collin said. You frowned. 

"If I could only remember more about her." You mumbled.

"That isn't your fault. We'll find her. It'll just take some time." Connor said reassuringly. You sighed, knowing that there was a very small chance of finding her. Then, you thought of something.

" parents had Valery for a little over a year. That was 7 years ago, so it's been 8 years since she's been around. Do you have any android records that have a date of manufacture that goes back that far?" You asked. Collin turned back to the screen and you all watched as he scanned for manufacture dates that traced back to 8 years or a little over. He found a few files. You all looked at them and then you spotted an AK200. You gasped as you remembered that android model number. "(Y/n), this is Valery! Our new AK200 android!" You remembered your father telling you about her.

"That's her." You said.

"The AK200?" Hank asked.

"Yeah! I remember my dad telling me about her. But...then...why would she change her actual model number for these records?" You wondered aloud. 

"I don't know, but where can we find her, Collin?" Connor asked.

"Based on the information, which there is very little on her actually, she works at a club and she's a singer. She goes by a different name at the club to keep her actual name a secret, but that's all we know." Collin said. He huffed in frustration.

"Thank you, Collin. Hopefully, we'll be able to find somebody who knows something. We'll put the information out for people to call in if they have any inside details." Connor said.

"It's probably the only option we got." Hank agreed. 

"Of course. I will let you know if I find anything else as well." Collin said.

"Thanks, Collin." You said. He nodded to you and then you all left Cyberlife Tower. 

You all headed back to the station and you got to work. You all worked on making posters with information on them for people to call in. It wasn't too terribly hard and it didn't take long at all. Oreon said he'd do the rest and go put them up. You thanked him and he headed out. You sighed, hoping that this would work. Connor hugged you, trying to help you feel better. You hugged back, smiling at him.

"We'll figure it out. I promise." You smiled.

"Thank you, Connor." He chuckled. 

"Come on. Let's head home. I think you should relax after finding out so much. It'll help." You nodded in agreement. You both said goodbye to Hank and he told you both to relax for the rest of the day. You chuckled a little and responded saying that relaxing was the plan.

Connor drove you both home and the ride was peaceful. You listened to the radio as it played quietly in the background. You kept your gaze focused out the window. You smiled at the beauty of it all. 

Soon enough you arrived back at home. You both climbed out out the car and Connor took your had, leading you inside. You smiled as he did. It made you feel a lot better. He was always so willing to show that he cared. It really did make you feel loved. You thought about it. You smiled to yourself. I want to show him how much I love him. You thought. Once you made it inside, you latched onto him in a hug. He was a little startled, but he hugged back. 

"Connor, you've done so much for me. I want to repay you." You said. He blushed a bit, but he smiled.

"You don't have to do anything for me, (Y/n). I just want you to be happy." He said. You chuckled. He's adorable, but I'm not taking no for an answer. 

"Con, you do remember that I'm not exactly the go with the flow type." You said. He sighed, shaking his head with a defeated smile. 

"I'm not winning this one, am I?" He asked. 

"Nope." You chuckled. He smiled.

"Well then, I think I'm content with just relaxing on the couch for now. After all, just being with you is enough." He said and kissed your nose. You chuckled.

"Alright. Couch party it is." You giggled. He chuckled along with you and you both went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes. After you did, you both crashed on the couch together. You laid on top of Connor, cuddling him just how he liked it. You turned on one of his favorite movies, and then you both relaxed under a thick fuzzy blanket together. You both held each other close, enjoying the movie. You felt Connor kiss your cheek. You looked at him.

"I love you." You blushed a bit and smiled. You kissed him sweetly on the lips.

"I love you too, Connor."

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