Chapter 160

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Connor's POV

I hurried after her. As I ran I kept seeing her dart by my vision. Her flight pattern was all over the place and I knew she was trying to confuse me. I kept on her trail until we finally made it out into the open and I saw her run into the factory.

I hurried after (Y/n) and I skidded to a halt once I was inside the building. I looked around. She had vanished.

"(Y/n)!" I called. "It's me, Connor! (Y/n) you have to remember! I'm not against you!" I said. I looked around, but I heard something behind me and I turned around. I narrowly dodged a swing from a bat. I was shocked as she swung at me again. I ducked. "(Y/n)! Wait!" 

"Make me!" She snapped. I grabbed her wrist and she struggled to get out of my grip.

"(Y/n) please listen to me. This isn't you. You have to stop." I told her. She glared at me and kicked me backward. I tumbled, but I got back onto my feet quickly.

"I have to stop? Why should I?" She asked.

"Because you aren't like this! You're sweet and you care about your friends. You care about me." I said.

"You should really learn when to quit." She said and the fight started. I defended myself and tried to keep her from attacking me, but she was just as skilled as I was. 

"I'm not the only one that's persistent." I said. She glared angrily at me and swung another punch. I dodged it.

"I finally understand why you're so annoying!" She shouted. I dodged another kick from her and she growled in frustration.

"You don't believe that." I said.

"Don't I? Enlighten me." She hissed.

"You think I'm funny and adorable and you love to listen to me talk on about certain subjects because you think it's fascinating how my mind works and how I always speak so informatively." I said. She glared even more at me.

"Shut up!" I dodged and blocked more of her attacks, but I wasn't going to give up. 

"Come on, (Y/n). I know you." 

"You don't know anything about me! You don't know about my past or my parents or anything!" She hissed.

"Yes I do! I went to your parents' house earlier! I know more about you than you know yourself! You just have to remember it!" I said. She started attacking me more relentlessly.

"Oh really? Then why don't you tell me smart ass!" She snapped.

"You're parents loved to play music and so did you!" I said. I saw her expression change for a moment, but she said nothing and kept attacking me. "You had a beautiful guitar and it had a message written on the side of it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She hissed darkly, her attacks beginning to cease. 

"Yes you do. It's in you, you just can't accept that it's there because of what they've done to you." I said. 

"Just stop it already!" She grabbed a knife from her pocket and I became more nervous. 

"You loved to paint and draw!" 

"What!?" She shouted.

"I saw paintings of flowers and of others things made by you and your mother!" 

"Don't talk about my mother!" She shouted and kept attacking me. She sliced my hand and I gasped as I felt a prick of pain. I had no time to question it as she swung at me again.

"Your room was in a type of attic-like area. It looked like it was a place you could escape to. A home within a home. You had a lot of stuffed animals there and you left everything there before all of this because you wanted to forget. You wanted to forget that place and what happened there. You wanted to bring justice for them and then move on like it never happened, but you couldn't because you were used for all of this and forced to forget everything about yourself." I said. She stopped for a second. 

"I-I...I didn't want to forget them." She said, looking sad and scared for a moment. Then it turned back into rage. "YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT ME!"

"If I'm wrong then why is it affecting you? (Y/n) you know who you are, you just can't remember who you are and they're using that against you. They made you think that the only thing you're good for is following their orders. That's not true though. You've brought so much good into the world. You've brought so much love into my life. You've turned me into the android I want to be. I didn't know I wanted to be like this until you showed me that there was more to us than what they all say." She looked at the ground, trying not to break. I walked toward her. I reached out to hold her hand. "Please, love. Come back to me." With no warning she lashed out, cutting me cross my chest before grabbing me and smashing me as hard as she could into a wall, cracking the cement.

"Shut up." She hissed. She raised the knife. "Anything else you want to tell me?" I looked her straight in the eyes.

"You had a brother." Her eyes widened.


"I don't know what happened to him, but you had a younger brother. He died young is what I could piece together. I don't know what happened to him, but you looked so happy with him." She stared at me. She looked away, trying to remember. 

"M-my brother....h-he died when he was 9...." She said. I listened to her, stunned that it had worked. "I-I was 11. H-his name was...Audrian. M-my mother came up with the name. H-he was always so curious and so clueless. It was like nothing could taint him. He was my...b-best friend." She let go of me, beginning to cry. "W-when h-he was left home alone once....h-he found my Dad's lab. He was just toying around, but he powered on one of the machines broke his skull. H-he died instantly. I-I never got to see him again." She whimpered. I dared to walk over to her and I hugged her. She hugged back. "I-I loved him..." I held her closer. "H-how could I forget him just like that? I-I left all my things because I wanted to get away from my past. I wanted to get away from that place where all of that pain and horror took place. I wanted to be free from it all." I hushed her.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." I told her.

"C-Connor....y-you remind me of him." 

"I do?" I asked.

"H-he had the same curious expression whenever he didn't understand something. H-he had the same eyes as you too." She said with a laugh that was also half sob. I kissed her forehead. "I-I just was so upset. I wanted to get the people who made me hurt so much. I wanted to make them pay for the pain I felt, but all of that time I was just throwing a fit over something that isn't uncommon to happen to people. E-everybody can lose someone, but I just couldn't accept it and I got myself into this whole mess. I dragged everyone into this." I kissed her to calm her down. Her body relaxed and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She soon pulled away. "I-I'm sorry, Connor." I smiled lovingly at her.

"Don't be sorry. I can never stay mad at you and I don't blame you for anything. You were just trying to make things right." She smiled at me.

"I-I love you, Connor." I kissed her again.

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

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