Chapter 99

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Oreon's POV

I walked with Jaden to the operating room. We were both in a slight hurry to get back and check on their conditions. I waved to a few people along the way as did Jaden, but nobody stopped us, knowing that we had places to be. I spotted Hank and I gave him a small smile. He gave me a similar smile and a nod.

The way to the operating room was silent. Jaden clearly thought it was too silent. She looked at me and said,

"So, um...did you know?" She asked.

"Know?" I questioned, wanting her to be a bit more specific. I had a pretty good feeling what she was asking me though.

"Did you know (Y/n) was a cyborg?" She asked. I sighed.

"I...I had a feeling she was different, but I didn't know what. She just didn't seem like a full android, you know?" I said.

"Did you see the signs?" She asked.

"I did notice that she got cold easier and that she seemed a lot more tired sometimes. I didn't really think much of it until now. Now that I am thinking about it, everything adds up. It seems so obvious."' I said.

"Isn't that always the case." She agreed.

"Yeah. You just don't realize until the answers hits you in the face, right?" I added.

"Yeah." She said with a small smile. We both kept walking. "Do you think we can do it?" She asked. "Do you really think Kamski can revive her?" I didn't want to think of what would happen if only Connor was revived. I knew he'd be depressed and he might even try to go with her again. All of the possibilities were scary to think about. Plus...I didn't know what I'd do without (Y/n) either. The realization that it was a 50/50 shot...scared the life out of me. I pushed it away.

"He can. I'm sure of it." I said.

"You are?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm not giving in. I'll work on her with 20 people if I have to. I'm not letting her die." I said.

"You do love her." I froze.

"What?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Oreon, is that why you wouldn't tell us who you had a crush on?" Jaden asked.

"" I was at a loss for words. She hugged me.

"Oreon, I'm sorry that this happened to you, but at least she does love you, in a way." Jaden said. "You'll find somebody. I know you will." Jaden said. I looked away from her. Yeah...right... I thought drearily. "You're a good android, Oreon. Remember that." She said and kept walking. I was stunned for a moment, but I soon followed after her. I thought about what she had said. I...I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I ignored it. Come on, Oreon. Forget it. That's the last thing you need to worry about right now. I told myself and I hurried to catch up to her.

Once we arrived, we checked over Connor. He was alright. He wasn't up yet, but he'd be up soon hopefully. He'd be up in about 3 days according to my scans if we kept up our constant work on him. Jaden helped me with his arm. Since his hand had been the entering point of the virus, it had the worst destruction aside from his heart.

As we worked, we heard Kamski enter. He came over to us first.

"So, how is our first patient doing?" He asked.

"He's stable and I've predicted a full recovery in about 3 days." I explained. He nodded.

"What about yours?" Jaden asked.

"I estimate a month to about a week over that. With luck, I'll be able to complete it sooner. There may be some trial and error with some of her functions. I'm afraid I didn't design her so some of it might be a bit of a learning curve." Kamski said.

"Well, hopefully you can learn fast." I said.

"That is the goal." Kamski agreed. He went over to (Y/n), closed the curtain, and got to work. We returned to work. I really hoped we could get this right.

*2 days later*

I was working on Connor by myself. Jaden had gone to take a break to go look after the animals for a little while. Kamski was on lunch break. I was working connecting some damaged wires.

It was nothing too serious, but I was having trouble reaching some wires. I grabbed some of my tools and I was able to reach them. I was glad that everything was coming along well. Hank would be glad to hear that. I'd have to tell him later. I was kind of uncomfortable with the silence. I began to hum the tune 'The Other Side' from the Greatest Showman. That one was my favorite from the movie. I really liked the dynamic between the two characters. It was kind of like a sing off mixed with a duet. It was interesting to say the least.

I remembered when (Y/n) and I had watched movies late into the night together. One time Claira came out and scolded us for staying up so late. I chuckled a bit at the memory. I had so little memories with her really, but each one I cherished. I would never forget a moment with her. It was impossible for two reasons. One, I was an android and my memory was fully functional. Two, how could I? She was just so amazing. I didn't want to forget.

When I thought about it, I realized how much I sounded like Connor. I guess I could relate to Connor in a lot of ways regarding (Y/n). There were a lot of differences though. I never really understood the whole cop thing. Why put yourself in danger like that? You could save lives others ways too, like my way. After all, I was working to save Connor's life, right? I began to drift off in memories. I soon realized that I was just standing around and I got back to work.

I kept thinking though. I wanted to allow myself one thing. I wanted to let my mind wander just this once. I wanted to think of all the beauty that could've happened if it had been me and (Y/n) instead of Connor. Just this once. I told myself. I began to think of us having fun together, sharing kisses, and just being with each other. I'd seen the looks (Y/n) gave Connor. I had always wanted her to look at me that way, but I knew it would never happen. I had to accept that, no matter how hard it was and how much it hurt.

As I daydreamed, I didn't realize something. I hadn't realized what condition Connor was in. I had decided to take a break and leave him stable again. I knew he'd be fine. If only I had been paying attention.

I closed all his frames and everything. I know that sounds weird if you aren't a doctor or surgeon, but work with me here. It's true. You gotta do what you gotta do. As I cleaned up. I heard something. I turned, my eyes widening.


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