Chapter 6

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The next day, Oreon helped you look into the local open jobs for police officers. It turned out there were some openings after all!

"So, what kind of job were you looking for here?" He asked.

"I wanted to be a detective." You said. He smiled.

"That seems interesting." He said. You smiled and nodded. You both kept looking into it. You were glad Oreon was so willing to help you. It was very kind of him to do all of that for you.

Soon enough you had everything you needed. You put on the work outfit Claira had gotten for you. Dell had gotten your ID's and everything ready. He'd also programmed a scan shield into you. No android would be able to tell you were an android unless you showed them you were an android. If they scanned you, you would appear to be human, so it was the perfect disguise. You were glad they both had been so willing to do all of that for you. It made you feel happy and confident.

With that, you headed out. You began the walk to the station since Nelly and Jaden had taken the van and car. The only other option was Oreon's motorcycle, but you didn't want to take that. You didn't want to wreck it was the main thing, plus you didn't really know if that was a good idea considering you'd ever ridden let alone drove and a motorcycle before.

As you walked along, you kept yourself very alert. You still didn't like being out in the open by yourself. It made you nervous. What if somebody found out? What would you do? What would they do to you? You forced yourself to push the thought away. You couldn't look like you were afraid of somebody jumping out and attacking you while walking past people, because then they would notice. 

You kept walking as you made your way to the station. Soon enough, you arrived. As you walked in, you looked around. You were excited, but also nervous. You walked up to one of the android ladies working at the reception desk. 

"Hello, Mam. Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm looking to speak with Captain Fowler." You told her. 

"His office is in the back with the huge glass windows. You can't miss it." She replied. You smiled and nodded.

"Thanks." You said with a smile before turning away. You headed back. You passed some desks, giving them quick look-overs, before your eyes landed on the office you needed to get to. You walked along before walking up the steps and inside.

"Hello. Can I help you, Mam?" The man asked.

"Yes. I was looking to apply for a job here." You said.

"Really? Well, the only open positions are officers and detectives." He said.

"I know. I did my research. I was hoping to become a detective. I've had years of training and was at the top of my class." You explained. "I hoped I could snag a position." 

"May I see some form of ID?" He asked. You gave him your drivers license. He looked it over and nodded.

"Well, you seem nice enough and it appears you're qualified for the job. I'll take your word for it. We do need another cop on the android cases. You can join Lieutenant Anderson on his cases. Hank and his android are heading to a case right now. Here's the address. Ben will give you more info once you arrive." He said, scribbling down the address. "If Hank compiles, you can get his contact information as well." You nodded.

"Um, Sir, may I use one of the station vehicles? I live with some friends and they have to use ours every day." You explained.

"Sure. We have some open ones. As long as you take care of it, it's basically yours." He replied. He scribbled down a license plate number. "You can use this one. Should be in the reserved section of the lot." He told you, handing you the number and the keys to it.

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