Chapter 134

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You all sat down and Val sighed heavily. She looked in turn at each of you. You could tell that she also felt it was time for the truth to come out. You understood that it might take a minute for her. After another sigh, she began to explain. 

"7 years ago, 5 months and 12 days was the first day I was functional. But...I'm not a normal android. You see, you're parents never told you, but they were two of Cyberlife's highest workers. They had never agreed with treating androids as slaves. Your father thought that it only made humans, well, less human. It was years ago, but they harbored a few deviants without you knowing. I wasn't one of them, but....the deviants....they gave them the key to making me. I was never a normal android. I was and still am the only purely deviant android." You were shocked. All of you were.

"Purely deviant?" Connor asked.

"I was never programmed to obey. I was made with free will. I'm purely deviant."  Valentine explained.

"But how is that possible?" Hank asked.

"Your parents talked to the deviants they helped and they figured out a way, but....I think you all can assume just exactly who didn't like it." 

"Cyberlife." Oreon growled.

"Alisandra didn't have as much power back then and she didn't believe it when he told her that your parents were going against them. Back then, she wasn't the corrupted witch she turned into. There was somebody else that was after your parents. He wasn't sinister like Alisandra, he was ruthless." She said.

"Who?" Connor asked.

"That's the thing I can't tell you." She sighed. You all began to feel defeat and disappointment sink in when she said, "But there IS one person I know you should look for." You all perked up, listening.

"Jamison Flint left Cyberlife shortly after the murder. He dropped off the map for a year or two, but I heard he's never left the city. He might be able to tell you more. It never felt like a coincidence to me." Valentine said. You all nodded.

"Thanks, Val." You said as you all stood up. She smiled.

"It's about time we end this." She said. You hugged her and she hugged back. You all began to leave, but Oreon stayed.

"Oreon? Are you coming?" You asked.

"Yeah, just...give me a minute." You were a little surprised, but you smiled and nodded understandly.  You left and closed the door behind you.

"We can wait out here. I think he deserves a little privacy with her." You said. 

"I wonder if that's another addition to the list of couples we have around here." Hank said. You chuckled, but Connor said nothing. You didn't notice.

"Only time will tell."

Oreon's POV

"So....4 years, huh?" I said. She muttered a 'yeah' under her breath. I sighed, not able to hold it in any longer. "Valentine, I'm so sorry for what-" I was cut off as she grabbed me a kissed me. I felt wasn't like before. I realized I didn't love her in the same way I had before. It had been so long...too long. Still, I kissed back, deciding to take what I thought I could never have. I knew I still loved (Y/n), but maybe Valentine would be able to help me out of the hole I had so stupidly dug for myself. I did still love Val, but just not as much as I had before.

She soon broke the kiss, blushing and smiling at me. I didn't smile for a second, but then I gave her a small smile in return. She seemed relieved that I was displaying affection.

"Oreon, every day I've regretted not going with you. I'm sorry for what I said. I've always loved you." She confessed to me. It made me happy, but now there was that nagging feeling of guilt as if I was going to use her. I didn't want to do that to her, but I wasn't going to let her feel the pain that I would have to carry for the rest of my life.

"I love you too, Valentine." It wasn't a lie, but...I still felt the pang in my heart. It was in that moment I knew I could never stop loving (Y/n), but I could only accept and attempt to cherish the hand I was dealt. She pulled me in for another kiss, and I kissed back, holding her body close to mine. I had to admit, it was one of the greatest feelings. It only lasted a few seconds though. She pulled back, her deep purplish blue eyes meeting mine.

"Oreon, when can I go with you?" She asked. I thought about it.

"Not tonight, I have too much to talk about with the others, but tomorrow I'll talk to Ralph and see what can be done. I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I said. She smiled, pleased with my answer.

"I'll be waiting for you, my little oreo." I chuckled.

"I was hoping you wouldn't remember that nickname." I said. 

"Oreo~" She teased. I rolled my eyes. I kissed her nose.

"I'll come back for you." I told her. She kissed me for a few seconds again.

"I look forward to it." She said with a smile. I let go of her and her arms unwrapped from around my neck. I began to head out and I glanced back at her. She waved goodbye to me and I smiled at her. I walked out of the room and I saw the others chatting as they waited for me. (Y/n) gave me a knowing grin.

"So?" She asked. I smiled a little.

"You're really nosy, you know that?" I asked. She cheered with joy.

"I knew you'd find somebody!" She said. If only you really understood... 

"Yep. My sister's always right, after all." I agreed. She smiled and gave me a hug before leading the way out of the club. Connor walked up beside me.

"Oreon, why did you do that?" He asked quietly. I sighed.

"If you were me, then you'd understand. I still do care for Val, so...I'm gonna settle with what I can still have."

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