Chapter 22

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Connor's POV

I opened my eyes and I was back in the garden. It was raining this time. I grabbed an umbrella. I walked toward Amanda.

"Hello Amanda." I greeted.

"Connor, I've been expecting you. Would you care for a walk?" I opened the umbrella and walked with her. "That deviant seemed to be an intriguing case. A pity you didn't manage to capture it. 

"Deviants are completely irrational, which makes it difficult to anticipate their behavior, but I should've been more effective." I said.

"Did you manage to learn anything else?" She asked.

"I found it's diary, but it was encrypted. It may take weeks to decipher." I explained. She nodded slightly.

"What else?" She asked.

"The walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols. Like the other deviants, it seemed obsessed with rA9." I told her.

"You came very close to capturing that deviant." She said. I didn't have much to say about that. "How is your relationship with the Lieutenant developing?" She asked. I thought about it.

"He seemed grateful that I helped save his life on the roof. He didn't say anything, but he expressed it in his own way." I replied.

"And what about Lieutenant (L/n)?" She asked. I thought about it. Should I tell her about what happened? I decided against that. Amanda didn't need to know. I could figure it out myself.

"She is warming up to me. She treats me better than Lieutenant Anderson, but both of them seem to be warming up to me. I think she is faster to accept me than Lieutenant Anderson." I explained. Amanda nodded.

"We don't have much time. Deviancy continues to spread. It's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it. We need to stop this, whatever it takes."

"I will solve this investigation Amanda. I won't disappoint you." I said.

"A new case just came in. Find Anderson and (L/n) and investigate it." She said and walked away.

Your POV

You were sleeping peacefully in your room with Bandit at the end of your bed. You suddenly heard the doorbell. You opened your eyes and you saw Oreon sit up too. You got up and he looked at you with a confused look. You went downstairs and you looked out the window. You were stunned. Connor? 

You opened the door. He nodded a greeting to you. 

"Um..hi, Connor. What's going on? Is something wrong?" You asked.

"No. A new case came in and I knew I had to come find you and the Lieutenant to investigate it. I apologize if I woke you up." He said. You relaxed and chuckled.

"No. you're fine Connor. Come in. I'm gonna go get dressed and then we can go find Hank." You said.

"Alright." He agreed. He came in and he went to sit down in the living room. Everybody was still asleep. You headed upstairs to get ready.

Oreon's POV

I leaned against the wall, watching him. I followed him to the living room. He sat down on the couch and waited patiently for her to return.

"So, new case came in?" I asked. He looked over at me.

"Yes." He replied.

"Well, what happened?" I asked.

"A man was found dead at a place called Eden Club. That's all the information I have on the matter thus far." Connor replied. I nodded.

"Shame having to wake up (Y/n). I bet she's very tired after a long day." I said, trying to probe a reaction out of him.

"I suppose, but she seems fine to me." He replied. 'Seems fine', huh? I thought. 

"Well, I guess you're right. But hey, can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Of course. What would it be?" He asked.

"Can you make sure (Y/n) gets home safely afterword? I mean, who better than the best prototype android ever made to make sure she's safe, right? A deviant hunter like yourself would have no issues with that, right?" I asked. He looked confused.

"How did you know I was a prototype?" He asked.

"Oh, that? Eh, got curious. No big deal right? Just some news articles." I replied. I was trying to get him to feel guilt, clearly it wasn't working. No guilt, no shame, no regret. I knew he didn't care. 

Then (Y/n) came back. I smiled at her. She was so beautiful. She was perfect. 

"Well, ready to go?" She asked somewhat teasingly to Connor. He smiled a little.

"Of course." He replied. "Although, why don't we take a taxi? It wouldn't waste any of your fuel since we both know Lieutenant Anderson is going to want to drive once we find him." She laughed a little. 

"Good point! Taxi it is!" She replied. They were about to leave, but she stopped. "Oh! Han on, Connor!" She said. She hurried over t me and hugged me. "See you later, Oreon." She said. I hugged back.

"Be safe for me, okay?" I told her. She pulled back with a smile.

"Stop worrying so much. I'll be fine. I have Connor and Hank!" She said. I felt dread in my gut. Yeah..Connor. I forced a smile.

"I know. I'll see you soon, okay?" She let go and nodded.

"Sure thing, Oreon! See ya!" She said and they both left. They're gone. I hope she'll be alright. I hope she comes back. I just can't trust him.

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