Chapter 165

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You and the girls had a great day together. After getting all of your nails and hair done, you all headed off to go clothes shopping. It was fun looking at the outfits. Claira insisted you buy a new outfit that she thought was cute. After 2 attempts to say no, you gave in. By gave in, I mean she bought it for you. You honestly loved the outfit, but you just weren't sure you needed it. 

As you all looked around, the rest of the girls got things as well

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As you all looked around, the rest of the girls got things as well. You thought their outfits were cute. You loved spending time with everyone. It was fun! You also got to know Hanna and Dagger pretty well too. It was nice to talk to them. They honestly were pretty nice and they did seem apologetic for everything that happened all those years ago. You had forgiven them and they were good friends. 

Soon enough all of you were heading to Nelly's place to hang out and play games. Nelly said Ralph was busy helping a friend so you'd have the place to yourselves. You all hopped into the vans and began to head out. You all laughed along with each other and sang random radio songs as you drove to Nelly's place.

Once you arrived you all headed inside quickly. As you all scrambled to avoid the cold, Nelly let you all inside. You made it inside and you all got settled down before you began to discuss what you all should play or do. You'd begun to wonder when the girls day was going to end. You'd been gone for hours now. You wanted to see Connor again before it got dark. Then again, you did see him every day. A day away isn't so bad, right? I should just enjoy it no matter what. You thought and pushed all thoughts aside, focusing on enjoying the rest of the time with your friends. You all took turns playing Little Big Planet 2 together for about 2 hours. After playing that game for a while, you switched over to playing Overwatch. you had to take turns again, but it was pretty fun cheering for whatever team you wanted to win while waiting for your own turn to play. 

For 5 hours you did this, endless games and chatting breaks to cool down from heated matches or difficult levels. You enjoyed every minute. After all of the 9 hours you'd spent with your friends, it was time to go home. The sun was beginning to set by now and you wanted to get home pretty quick so you could still have some time with Connor. You loved all your friends as if they were family, but it was time to get back to your boyfriend.

Jaden offered to drive you home, and you thanked her for it. You said goodbye to each of your friends and began to head out with Jaden. You bumped into Ralph on the way out. He smiled happily and you and gave you a huge hug. You were kind of confused by his over joyful behavior. You were used to Ralph being over the top at times, but he seemed a little too happy just to see you.

"Ralph is happy to see (Y/n)! Ralph is curious if (Y/n) had a good day with her friends." He said. You smiled.

"I had a wonderful day, Ralph. It's nice to see you too, but it's time for me to head home." You said.

"Of course! Ralph and friends should not keep (Y/n) waiting at Ralph's home! Goodbye, (Y/n)! Ralph hopes to see you again soon!" He said. 

"Okay. Bye Ralph!" You called as you headed off with Jaden. "That was weird. He seemed really happy this time, don't you think?" You asked.

"Eh, it's Ralph. I'm not too surprised by it." Jaden replied with a shrug.

"Yeah. I guess I'm being over watchful or something." You said. She chuckled.

"Probably. Come on. Let's get you home." Jaden replied. You both got into her car and she drove you home. You both sang along quietly to the music as it played and soon enough you made it back to your place. 

You got out and walked over to Jaden's side. She rolled down her window, knowing you wanted to talk to her. You stopped beside the car with a smile.

"Thanks again for everything. Today was amazing." You said. She smiled.

"It was nothing. Believe me. I'll see you later, okay, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah. See ya, Jaden." You replied and gave her a hug through the window. She used one arm to hug back before you each let go and she drove off. You smiled, watching her disappear before you headed inside. 

You opened the door and set down your things. You sighed in relief, hoping you would be able to relax laying down on the cough now. You didn't hear the TV on and you wondered if Connor had gone to bed. You checked the time. No. He would've stayed up. It's only 7:30. 

"Connor! I'm home!" You called. He came out from the living room. You smiled at him. "Hey, Con. I'm sorry I was away so long." You said, looking into his eyes while hugging him with a loving smile. He hugged back, sharing the same smile.

"It's quite alright, my love. I was expecting you to get back late." He said.

"You were?" You asked. He nodded.

"I knew the girls would take up most of the day." He said. "Did you get something?" He asked, spotting the bag.

"Oh, just a new outfit. Claira got it for me no matter how nicely I tried to insist against it. I do like it, but they've all done so much for me. It's unfair that they keep doing more." You said. 

"I suppose one day we can repay them." Connor replied. "Out of curiosity, may I see it on you?" He asked. You smiled. 

"I was hoping to relax a bit, but I can't say no to a simple request like that." You said.

"I hop it isn't too bothersome." He said, looking concerned. You chuckled.

"It's perfectly fine, honey. I'll be back in a minute or two okay? I just need to undo my hair and-"

"If it's not too much to ask, can the hair stay? It looks very beautiful like that." He said. You chuckled.

"Okay, okay. I'll keep it. I'll be back in a sec, alright chief?" You said.

"Yes, Mam." He replied with a chuckled and a quick kiss to your nose. You giggled and grabbed the bag before heading upstairs. As you got ready, you wondered why he was a bit impatient to see it. You shrugged it off, but if only you had known why Connor was being ever so slightly persistent. You would've raced up those steps and fixed yourself up even more, but none of it would change what was going to happen.

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