Chapter 145

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You looked at Jamison as he turned to the girls. Zyra looked at him, her face falling in concern. Cinder looked curious as to what was going to be said,

"Cinder, why don't you go get your book. I'm sure Zyra would love to read it to you again." Jamison said. She gasped, her eyes shining excitedly. She turned to Zyra.

"Will you sis!?" She asked. Zyra smiled.

"Of course. Go on. You know where your things are." She said. Cinder hurried out of the room. She was wicked fast for her age. Zyra chuckled at her younger sister as she ran off. Jamison turned back to the four of you.

"Please, have a heat in a chair on even on the bed. I don't mind." He said. You all took your seats. You stayed next to Connor on the bed, Oreon leaned up against the wall and Hank took the rolling chair by the desk that was there.

"Grandfather, should I go as well?" Zyra asked.

"No, dear. You should stay. Cinder will take a few minutes to find her book among all of her things. You should hear this as well. You are a part of it after all. Cinder is too young to deal with it." Jamison told her. Zyra nodded. She walked over and sat down on the floor beside his wheelchair.

"How is she a part of this?" Oreon asked.

"If you listen, you will see." Jamison replied. "Ms. (L/n), I do believe I understand why you've come. Valery sent you to me, didn't she?"

"Yes. She said you left Cyberlife after my parents died. She said you worked with them."

"Then she was right, but I'm afraid I am not the man that killed your parents." He said. Zyra looked at you and then Jamison. She looked stunned, but she said nothing.

"Then who did?" Hank asked. Jamison sighed.

"A higher in command worker. He found out your parents secret and he had then killed. He did it himself and he had people following his ideas and his ways. He killed your parents because they wanted androids to rise up and become what they always believed they were. They were my inspiration, so I helped them figure out the bugs. But then...he found out their plans. I'm both relieved and horribly sorry that he only knew about your parents and not me. I have felt tremendous guilt keeping all of this contained for so long. I'm sorry that you all have to listen to the ramblings of an old man, but I must get this off my chest." He said.

"So you know who killed them?" Connor asked.

"Yes. He threatened me that if I said anything, he would kill me as well. I knew that it was risky that way. When I heard of your supposed death years after, I bit my tongue on everything I knew about Cyberlife. It was cowardly, but I felt I was next. Now, it doesn't matter anymore." Jamison replied.

"What happened to my parents?" You asked. He sighed.

"They were hunted for their high knowledge. They knew how to create deviants and androids. Deviants are what they wanted to create. Valery, or Valentine as she's known now, was the first. Now she is not alone. He killed your parents because he was afraid and even furious about the thought of androids rebelling." Jamison explained.

"Sounds like Alisandra." Oreon muttered.

"Indeed he was like her. He was more outright about it instead of evil planning and plotting like Alisandra." Jamison said. "The man who killed your parents is not a man. He is a monster and I know that he is still out there. You must find him." Jamison said.

"We will, but who is he?" You asked. He sighed.

"His name...I hate to speak of these days. It only reminds me of my past and past mistakes. But, I know I can't hide it forever. It is cowardly and selfish. You must know." Jamison replied. "His" Everything stopped as you heard chaos break out outside the door. Screams were heard and a man shouting angrily was also heard. Zyra was on her feet in seconds.

"CINDER!!" She screamed.

"Zyra! Get under the bed, NOW!" Jamison order. She followed his instructions and dove under the bed. Cinder scampered into the room, slamming the door shut as she did.

"Cinder!" Zyra called. The little girl dove under the bed as well. Your guns were out in seconds, but there was almost no coverage in the room.

"Everyone! Take any kind of cover you can!" You shouted as loud stomps from outside grew closer. How!? How did anyone know!? How did anyone find us!? You thought, confused, angry, and very panicked. Hank used the desk as cover. You and Connor used the bed, ducking down. Oreon used the closet door that was swinging open. The room's door busted in and you saw a large man with an automatic rifle. You were shocked. Jamison was out in the open and the man just let the gunfire. You leaped out, trying to protect Jamison.

"(Y/N)!!" Connor exclaimed. The man aimed the gun at you and he fired, but Oreon had leaped out and knocked him over. The shot missed you, wiping past your side. It grazed you, causing you to feel a sharp sting, but it didn't do much else to you. Oreon tried desperately to tackle the man trying to assault you all. He was hit hard in the face with the man's gun and you heard something break.

"OREON!!" You exclaimed. He was thrown off and the man scrambled to aim the gun again.

"You should have already been dead you mashed up monster!" He shouted, aiming at you.

"(Y/n)! Lookout!" Hank shouted. You were about to dodge, but Connor was already out of cover. You saw the protective and angered expression on his face and you knew that he wasn't going for sparing shots. Connor was quick to take aim and fire at the man, going to kill. There was no hesitance, not when it came to protecting you. Five shots expertly aimed fired and then everything was silent other than each of your heavy breaths. Just like that, it was over. But over...had a lot of meanings.

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