Chapter 96

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Oreon's POV

We rushed up to level 77. Collin was fighting up there and we had to help. Once we got there, we saw that he was the only one still alive. He looked at us.

"It's over." Those two words took a moment to set in. Then, we all began to smile. Happy cheers burst out at the news and I even saw Collin smile. I felt a huge weight had lifted in the moment. But then it came crashing back as I remembered something.

"Wait, where's Connor!? And (Y/n)!?" I exclaimed. Collin frowned. We all grew silent as all of us realized we hadn't seen them return. I grew worried.

"We have to find them!" Jax said. I nodded quickly in agreement. 

"I've located them. They're below us, on level 71." Collin said. I nodded. We hurried down to level 71. All of us went together. According to Collin's scan, it looked like they were just waiting it out, but I knew Connor would've wanted to get her out of there as fast as he could. Something was wrong. I could feel it. We all arrived at level 71, and Collin led the way. We came across a door that was locked. The lock had malfunctioned and burned out though. Collin told us to step back. We did and he kicked the door open with so much power that the thick wood even splintered a little. I pushed past him, but I froze in shock.

"Oh my god..." I had no words for what I saw. As the others got glimpses they all broke down in their own ways. I just couldn't move. Dell hung his head sadly. Jaden turned to Daren for comfort. North and Markus hugged. Josh and Simon looked away as if they didn't want to accept it. Zora held Jax's hand as they both bowed their heads. Nelly, Roxy, and Claira were crying. Jacob looked a mixture of angry and guilty. Hank was at a loss for words, like me. Collin looked like he was deep in thought.

"Wait." He said. He walked forward and I watched as he scanned both of them carefully. "Connor is easily revivable. He shot his heart, not his head. We can fix his damaged parts and revive him in about a weeks time." Collin said.

"And (Y/n)?" I asked.

"She may take up to a month and a half, but it is possible. I reversed the time span of what happened by half an hour. It seemed the virus was too powerful for the human half of her body, causing a slow malfunction and leading to her shutting down. Connor was also infected at that time. If he had left he would have transferred the virus to us and Alisandra would have still won, in a way. He had a choice to make, and he chose to stay with her." Collin pieced together.

"So what happened to the virus?" Hank asked.

"It died. It needed a living host in order to survive. It died about 20 minutes ago. It was only able to stand no host for as long as 10 minutes. They've been here longer than that." Collin explained.

"So...they'll be okay?" Nelly asked hopefully.

"I believe so." Collin replied. "But we must get to work. If Connor is down too long it could affect his memory. If we don't treat (Y/n), her human half could begin to deteriorate and there would be no chance of reviving her." Collin explained. 

"Then we'd best hurry back to New Jericho." Markus said.

"Let's go!" I said. I took (Y/n) and Collin took Connor. We hurried back to New Jericho. When we arrived Kamski had his androids set up an emergency room. We quickly got to work, setting everything up and hooking both patients up to everything. I was assigned to Connor with Jaden. Kamski was the one who had to work on (Y/n) since he was the most qualified. Jaden got the blue blood for me and I thanked her. I began hooking it up like an IV bag and I connected it to where Connor's heart would be. I'd had to remove it because if the severe damage. 

After that, I began to carefully remove any sharp broken pieces or loosen broken pieces out of his internal frame. I was focused and precise. Jaden took care of his mental state, scanning through his memories and making sure none of them were or got corrupted. I occasionally glanced at the screen, looking at some of his memories with her. 

I saw the time they'd gotten into a fight at New Jericho. I hadn't known they'd fought. I was glad it had been resolved though. It was a good thing that they could come out of fights like that almost stronger than before.

After that, I saw when they'd first met Collin. Connor had protected her from him with Bandit. He really was a loyal and brave android. 

Then it went to Connor visiting with Hank as they both talked together and watched TV. I smiled a bit at that one. It really was sweet how Hank had taken him in. I knew he was probably a very good father for Connor. I frowned a bit as I imagined how he must've felt about Connor at the moment, knowing Connor was practically dead and we were trying to revive him. I pushed it aside.

Then it turned to the fight he'd had with me. I looked away as Jaden glanced over at me questioningly. I didn't want to talk about that. It was a very...shameful point in my life, to say the least.

Memory after memory was shown on the screen, each consisting of all types of assortments. Good and bad, alone and with friends, fights and peaceful nights, and then each and every smile and kiss they shared. 

As they played, my heart began to ache. I could still picture myself in his place for all of them. I wondered how differently things would've turned out if it had been me. If it had been me... I thought. If it had been me, who knows what would've happened. If it had been me, maybe Connor would've never become one of us. If he never became one of us, all of us would've been killed that night when the others took that faithful stand. I couldn't be sure, but I knew one thing. Connor was a part of all our lives and no matter what I felt about him, I wasn't going to let that part of us slip away so easily. Not after everything that had happened. You're needed here. If you think you can leave just like that, then you must be a complete and utter idiot, Connor. I thought with a small smirk as I worked. We'll fix you and then we'll fix (Y/n). Everything will get better from here. That's MY promise. 

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