Chapter 152

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Connor's POV

I got home at 9:07 and I saw that there were no lights on. I wondered if (Y/n) had slept through the rest of the day and the girls had just gone to bed. I grabbed the two items I had taken with me and I walked into the house. I was about to unlock the door, but it was already unlocked. I felt a nagging feeling tugging at me. I didn't like this. I walked in and I could hardly see. It was so dark. 

I turned on the lights and I set down the two stuffed animals on the bench also with the little painting. I took off my things, but I didn't call out in case (Y/n was asleep. I didn't want to wake anyone up. 

After I finished, I looked around. (Y/n) wasn't on the couch. I went to the spare bedroom the girls had gone to before. I peeked inside. Nothing. I wondered if they had asked to stay upstairs with her for the night. If that was the case, I could take the spare for a night. I still felt like something was off though.

I left the hall and headed upstairs. Everything was silent other than the hum of the furnace running to keep the house warm. I walked to our bedroom and (Y/n)...wasn't there. I felt my heart skip a beat. Nobody was home. That wasn't good. 

I was about to run out of the room to go look for her, but I noticed something. The window was open. I walked over, shaking slightly as my mind kept racing to the most horrid of sights. I looked out and I was shocked and terrified. There was no body, but blood blue had stained the weight snow below the window. 

I couldn't contain myself any longer. I ran out of the room and raced outside. Where's Galaxy and Bandit!? I looked around for them, fear making my heart race. I heard a whimpered. I hurried toward it. I was shocked. Galaxy was muzzled and chained to the fence and Bandit was hurt too bad to walk. I knelt down and unchained her.

"What happened, girl? Where's (Y/n) and the girls?" I asked.

"I don't know, but a large man attack Bandit and I tried to stop him but he zapped me and I woke up chained to the fence! I'm so sorry, Connor! I tried, but I couldn't do it and I know I'm a bad watchdog and I should've been more prepared and alert and-"

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm not mad at you, Galaxy. You tried your best. Nobody can succeed all the time. Not even me, okay? Come on. Let's fix Bandit and find our girls." I said. She nodded and I picked up Bandit and quickly carried him inside with Galaxy hot on my tail. I placed him on the couch on the blankets that were still there. I was about to get to work, but I noticed something on the door of the fridge. It was a note. I walked over to it and picked it up. It only said one word, 'underground'. Underground? Why would she write that? I thought about it, but then it clicked. The basement. I ran to the basement door that was hidden and I opened it up. I went downstairs, looking for (Y/n) and the girls. 

I decided to try calling out to them. I was going to risk it. I headed down the steps and called out to them. "(Y/n)? Girls? Are you down here?" I called. I heard a shuffling sound as I got down there. I saw Zyra and Cinder crawl out from under a tarp covering a table. They both looked up at me. Tears were in their eyes and they both looked terrified. They ran up to me, crying and I quickly tried to calm them down. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now. What happened? Do you know? How long have you been down here?" I asked.

"We've been down here for an hour." Zyra said. She was crying, but she was more composed than Cinder who refused to let go of me and was shaking and sobbing in my arms. 

"What happened?" I asked again. 

"W-we heard something upstairs and (Y/n) said to wait down here until either you, the wolves, or (Y/n) came back. She n-never came back a-and we heard thudding and a scream and I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!!" Cinder screamed. I was unsure of how to handle a child acting like this, but Syra was clearly used to it. She hugged Cinder and I since Cinder wasn't letting go and she began to hush her and softly sing to her. She began to calm down and her death grip on my shirt loosened.

"So neither of you know what happened to (Y/n)?" I asked, my heart breaking at the thought of her being hurt. The blue was evidence of that being a very possible reality. 

"No, we don't." Zyra replied. I frowned. I was so worried. I was scared for her and I wanted to run out and find her, but I couldn't. I had to take care of Bandit and handle the girls first. I took the girls upstairs and Zyra helped me fix Bandit. He was alright after a little while. I was going to go and examine the blood outside with Galaxy to see if she could track her, but there was a knock on the door. Cinder looked happy.

"Maybe it's (Y/n)!" She said. I stopped her from running to the door. I guided her back to Zyra and told them to hide in one of the spare bedrooms. I shut off all the lights and grabbed my gun. I didn't trust this at all. The lucky thing is I had locked the door behind me. I prayed they couldn't get in. I hadn't shut the window upstairs either. I ducked down behind the kitchen counter and I stayed silent with Bandit and Galaxy at my side. I heard the doorknob jiggling before I heard a click. They got in!? I stayed huddled there as Bandit and Galaxy started growling. I hushed them so they wouldn't give us away. 

The footsteps kept getting closer. I was ready, my finger on the trigger in case I needed to fire. I was going to pop out and wound them, but Bandit and Galaxy had a better strategy. They raced out and tackled whoever was there to the ground. I hurried out and aimed at the man on the floor who was struggling.


"Oreon!?" I exclaimed. I turned the lights on and the wolves lt him go. He stood up and he huffed from the adrenaline rush. I was breathing harder to relax myself as well. "I was about to kill you." I said.

"Glad to see I'm welcome here." He said sarcastically.

"Oreon, this is serious." I said.

"I figured. What happened?" He asked. 

"I found the girls hiding and petrified in the basement. Our bedroom window was open nd when I got home it was already too late for me to make any difference." I said, my heart breaking from guilt and grief.

"What? What happened?" He asked.

"(Y/n)'s gone and I don't know where she is." I said, my lip quivering at the thought of what could be happening to her. Oreon was shocked. He looked angry. 

"If only I had understood it sooner!" He cursed. "Come on, I know where they're taking her." I said.

"You do? Wait, what's going on? Who's they?" I asked.

"No time to explain. We've gotta go, now. We're gonna need more than three cops. Call Chris and....Gavin." He muttered unhappily. 

"Wait, what about the girls?" I asked.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"Zyra! Cinder! It's just Oreon!" I called. They came out and came over to us. 

"What's going on?" Zyra asked.

"You two need to stay at the police station for safe keeping. IT'll be better to have you there. We have to go and get (Y/n)." Oreon told them. "Galaxy, Bandit, the two of you are coming with us cops. We need you two to help." He said. They both nodded. "Let's go. Contact the others and get them to the station. We haven't got time to waste anymore." I nodded and we all hurried away. (Y/n)....please be okay. Please be alive.

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